Chapter 2

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You sighed at your embarrassing Maths paper. It read '30% - D' in bright red ink, a bunch of red crosses accompanying it. You glanced over at Hu Tao's paper. It read '45% - D+'.

"Well, at least it was a good effort," Hu Tao said, smiling nervously, scratching the back of her head sheepishly.


You met your friends along with Hu Tao at the end of the day in the beautiful park next to the Liyue Academy. You saw Yun Jin performing for Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling next to the beautiful auburn trees, and Shenhe speaking with Ganyu quietly on a nearby wooden bench. You, Yanfei, Hu Tao and Keqing strode over towards the two. You stared at Shenhe. She was fairly new but she seems like she fit in pretty well. She was dressed in an elegant blouse and tight leggings, with dainty slippers on her pretty little feet. Her white-lashed, golden-purple eyes stared at you coldly as Ganyu stood up and smiled, waving a small wave.

"We can finish our conversation later Shenhe! Don't be mad at them," Ganyu told the girl, to which she nodded almost imperceptibly, her eyes still slightly narrowed at the group as she stood up and gracefully strode away.

"She seems nice," Yanfei spoke sarcastically, but Ganyu didn't notice.

"Yeah! She is pretty nice once you talk to her a bit, she is just a bit cold," Ganyu replied, oblivious to the tone of Yanfei's statement.

"Also! Y/N I got Kazuha's number from Xiao, her you go!" Ganyu beamed as she handed you a piece of paper with messily scrawled numbers on it.

"Thanks Ganyu!" You smiled happily back. You then proceeded to hug her in a tight embrace, to which she tensed up in shock at first but then relaxed and you felt her hands rest on your back.

Yanfei and Hu Tao quickly joined the embarce, and eventually Keqing did too. You all looked like a big ball of friendship.

"Hu Tao... you're... hugging us... pretty tight—" Yanfei managed to breath out, to which Hu Tao jumped off you guys and helped everyone out of the hug.

"Ok, let's discuss what we know about Kazuha so far," Yanfei declared, pulling out a notebook from thin air as the five of you huddled around.


"So, I guess our job here is done?" Keqing asked. She was very eager to return home.

"Yep! Thank you guys so much for your help!" Y/N smiled at everyone. You were happy with the information you had gotten.

"You're very welcome," Hu Tao puffed her chest out and put her hands on her hips. She out of everyone had gotten the most information.

"You're welcome, Y/N. Hopefully you put this information to good use," Yanfei gave you a tired smile.

"Of course I will put it to good use!" Y/N retorted playfully, "Well, maybe not good use necessarily, but definitely use!"

"We'll see about that," Yanfei's smile grew widerand more genuine. Being around such energetic people really cheered her up.

"Ok guys! See you tomorrow!" you told everyone as you sprinted away towards the school gates.

As you walked home, you recounted the information that you had been given. You had his phone number, where he seemingly came from, his close friends, the neighbourhood he lived in and also a lot of miscellaneous information like how he likes autumn leaves, and how his favourite food was fish. Oh, and you knew that he was adopted by two mothers which was pretty interesting information coming from Hu Tao. She wouldn't say how she got her information but because of her personality you could take a pretty likely guess that she probably threatened people to tell them all they knew about Kazuha. You smiled at the thought of it. You loved your quirky little group of friends.

Autumn Leaves | Kazuha x fem! Reader Modern AU Chatfic | Genshin Impact Where stories live. Discover now