
"Distance call from Mr. Page." The operator was the first voice I heard. When these words were spoken I could feel my heart rattling in its cage, wanting to burst free from the shackles of my body. When the line gave way to his lilting accent of velvet and song, I could've cried in happiness. "Hello, love. How are you doing on this fine evening?"

"Well, it's not evening here. It's midday, but I'm doing fine. Just made something to eat and was settling down with some poetry and petting Lucy." I looked at the ball of fluff that was perched on the counter. I tried my best to shoo her from there when I could, not wanting Jimmy to see that I allowed her on there when he returned. 

"That sounds lovely. What book are you reading now? Still the same as last time?"

"No, actually, it's a new one. It's a collection of works by Percy Bysshe Shelley. They're quite good. Mostly about love, which happens to be my favorite subject."

"You'll have to send me some. I would love to hear one."

"I will include my favorite in your next letter. That'll be sent to Iceland, correct?"

"Yeah, that sounds about right. I hate that we have to plan this stuff out. I'm sorry you don't have a normal relationship."

If it weren't for his charming and breathy laugh my chest would have ached in sorrow at his words. "Well, I wouldn't trade it for the world. You're a gem, one I don't mind waiting for." I could hear the smile in his voice as he went on, rambling about the tour and all the things he's seen. I enjoyed hearing his tales, occasionally getting interrupted by his bandmates or people wanting his attention. But he always turned them away, stating that he would be with them when his phone call was over.

I cherished these moments with him when it was just the two of us on this phone. I pulled up a white chair and sat next to the hanging rotary phone that belonged to Jimmy, in his house, wearing his clothing. I was entirely engulfed in him and I enjoyed every second of it. The lack of stability once scared me, not long ago. But ever since he'd made me his girlfriend I felt better than ever. With the letters and phone calls, I felt less lonely, but nothing ever satiated my thirst for him like having him in my presence. I would have to settle for hearing his voice and reading his sprawling script.

"Hi, Gwenythn! I hope you're having a great time in dreary England. Not too much fun, I suppose." Bonzo was yelling over Jimmy, being his usual obnoxious and garish self. "That was right in my ear, Bonz. What the hell!"

"Sorry, Jim, I wanted to say hi to the broad. Tell her what a good boy you've been."

"Here, let me talk to him." I laughed. When I could hear the phone being passed I spoke once more, "I know he's being good, I've got him nice and whipped. Are you being good?" His laughter pelted my ears, thunderous and full, as always. "Of course!"

"No shenanigans, right? You're not messing up any hotel rooms or tearing up any stages?"

"Of course I am. But that is good for me, I suppose. Are you taking a lot of photos? Being as charming and impish as ever?"

"I'm trying, at the very least."

"You and Pagey are a match made in heaven. You both spend too much time in those pretty little heads. I always wonder what he's thinking, wearing that stone-cold face, fiddling with his hands." 

"You and me both. If you think it's hard to be his bandmate, imagine how it is to be his girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend? Oh, we've made things official. Way to go, Pagey! You better marry this one, I think she really likes you." He laughed once more, no doubt annoying Jimmy. I could see his sour face now, features twisted in annoyance and anger. "Okay, okay, I'll leave you be. Have to call my wife, and talk to the kids. Enjoy your night, Gwen."

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