Chapter 2

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Ayato's P.O.V

I was in an alleyway waiting for a girl that had short caramel hair, in a high school uniform, a flower headband in her hair, and she looked about 15 even though she was 17. A girl with that description walked in front of the alley way so I pulled her in the alleyway with me. I looked at her and recognized her as the girl who sis was sheltering her from her father. I only remember her because when I came to tell sis my report about Aogiri, I saw her sitting with Kaneki learning.

I knew I would regret what I was about to do, but I put the blind fold on her like I was told, and the tape on her mouth. I threw her in my trunk then she stopped moving. I got worried, so I went to check her pulse "Thank God she still has a pulse" I said under my breath. I then took her out of the trunk and put her in the back row so at least I don't have to worry about her not having enough oxygen and dying on me.

As I was driving to the base, I got a text form Touka asking 'Hey have you seen Hinami? We just got a call from her school saying that she didn't go.' I sighed and texted back 'Yeah I saw her. She was in her school uniform and I think she was heading to school but other than that I didn't see her, sorry' then I thought 'damn sis you really caught her and me at a bad time. Damn it, life fucking sucks' I had finally reached the base of Arogar. I waited for about 5 minutes before going in.

When I came in I was carrying Hinami in the building bridal style. I put her in the chair in the middle of the room, then left. When I came back she was tied up. I looked to the right side than the left and there stood Eto. That is when I knew she was the one responsible for why Hinami was tied up. I was now angry. I nodded my head to the back entrance of the room (the way I got in). "What the hell Eto what did you do to her!? And you know she's mine and not yours right!?" I yelled at her knowing it would wake up Hinami; which was my goal. Then she looked at me and said "Hey, whisper you idiot you don't want to wake up sleeping beauty now do you?"

I whispered back to her "Don't touch what's mine got it"; she then whispered in an angry tone "Fine." I walked over to Hinami and put my hand on her shoulder. I walked in front of her without moving my hand from her shoulder, then moved my hand to the blind fold and took it off her eyes. She looked into my eyes, but her's where this yellow mustard golden color, with short light brown hair. Then looking at her straight in the eyes I said "Welcome to your new home.'' She looked at me wide eyed. I really did hate seeing that look on Hinami's face, but I had to play the part as the bad guy. Then in a trembling raspy voice she said "W-what do you m-mean this i-is now my home?"

I dreaded this part of the job the most. I had to make her feel either uncomfortable or at least something close to that felling. But I lifted up her chin and brought her face close to mine and in the tone I use for this part of the job and said "This is Aragor your new home." I let go of her chin, and I could have left to my room and let Eto handle the rest, but the bad side of me knocked me out of my senses and took control the next thing I knew I slapped Himani, and that's when I knew I crossed a line I knew that her parents slapped her when she still lived there and it probably brought back bad and old memories that she tried to forget. I then started to say "I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" then she cut me off and yelled "IT'S FINE!!!!, I mean it's not like I'm not used to it"

My eyes widened in terror, then I just nodded my head in response. I went to cut the rope that tied her to the chair. Then whispered in her ear and said "I'm here to help you get out of this hell, so don't worry." I soon stepped out in front of her and I took her hand and said "I'm Ayato Kirshima." She looked happy so I was happy. Then she said her name; which I already knew "Hinami, Hinami Fueguchi." From there on out that is how our adventure started with that fateful day I captured Hinami Fueguchi.

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