Following The Wind Chapter 2

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Kazuha Explains how he ended up in Liyue coming from Iazuma. "sorry, about that '' you say in a sorry voice. Kazuha tells you not to worry about it and asks you if you would like to go on an adventure together. Knowing that you'll at least be getting a free tour around Liyue you agree and you both get off the ship saying bye to Bediou. You and Kazuha head to the mountains near Qingxu Pool. You get to know Kazuha more during that time and feel that you and him are getting closer by the second. You're happy for the first time in a while, killing monsters, and hanging out with Kazuha.

You both get tons of treasure, finally realizing how late it's getting. Kazuha decides to bring you back to Bediou's ship to get some rest. By the time you get back to the ship you're exhausted, Bediou shows you to your room and as soon as your body hits the bed you fall asleep. Next morning you're awakened by some noises outside, so you decide to go check it out. As you walk outside the room you feel the hot beams of the sun shining down on you. Everyone on the ship was moving around cleaning and putting the items on the ship away. You notice Kazuha on the top deck so decide to go up to him.

"Good morning," Kazuha says  without even looking at you. you yawn, then say good morning as well.  Your legs are sore from all the walking you both did the day before but,  you brushed it off and dealt with it. While scratching your arm nervously you say "Thank you" Kazuha looks at you questioning why you said thank you then asks "for what?". "For yesterday, I really enjoyed it" you say, giving a small smile at the man standing in front of you. Kazuha just nods his head admiring the view from the top of the ship. You don't really know what to do at the moment so you decide to go back to your room and look at the treasure you found the day before.

Time  flies by while you look through those mysterious treasures, but then you hear a knock at the door. You get up to go open the door but the door opens before you grab the door knob, its Kazuha.  "Would you like to come for lunch?" he asks, as you hear your stomach growl. ''Yes that would be nice, I am quite hungry anyways" you say while looking up at him. You follow him outside then into Liyue Harbor, you guys talk about what would be good to eat then end up heading to Xinyue Kiosk. Kazuha sits down at a table with two seats, you sit down in the chair  next to him. You both get to talking and you decide to ask him "Would you like to be my travel buddy?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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