She felt her breath get caught in the back of her throat. It was a guy, a few years older than her. He stood quite tall— or it seemed that way to Juniper. Juniper was tall herself, taller than average. But the way he carried himself made him seem as though he was towering over her. Everything seemed familiar, too familiar.

He had a buzzed head, and a long scar running behind his ear. His beard was a strawberry blond, inching more toward ginger. Juniper still didn't know if she recognized his voice but the moment she caught sight of his eyes, Juniper knew.

They were crystal blue.

A squeal escaped her lips as everything fell into place. This was the man who saved her that night— or as Lacy called him, her regular.

"Juni?" Juniper looked up and past the man, and saw Rue standing behind his shoulder.

Juniper gave a weak smile before shutting the fridge door. She harshly twisted on her heels and started to quickly walk to the front door. "Hey— Juniper!"

"Fuck..." she sighed and turned around slowly. "Hey Rue Rue."

"What're you doing?"

"Uh," she pointed to the door as she continued to walk backwards. "Leaving— I was leaving."

"Hey Rue," the voice called out. Juniper whimpered awkwardly as she took Rue's hand. She yanked Rue down into a crouched position.

"Woah!" Rue fell to her knees but caught herself with her hands. "Juniper," Rue called out as she watched her crawl slowly down the aisle. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Hiding!" Juniper called over her shoulder in a loud whisper.

"No shit," Rue followed in Juniper's track. "I meant why the fuck are we hiding?"

Juniper finally made it an isle over before she felt safe enough to stop moving. She planted herself down on the floor. Rue did the same. "That's the guy."

Rue stared at her for a moment. "The guy?" She asked, voice monotone. "What guy?"

Juniper rubbed the back of her neck as she looked around. "You know, the guy!" She explained vaguely.

Juniper was absolutely horrible under pressure, and at explaining things, and explaining things under pressure.

"Oh my bad," Rue snickered. "The guy, how could I forget," Juniper gave her a side glare. "No seriously, who the fuck are you talking about?"

"From The Tarot? The guy that—"

Rue snapped her head toward Juniper. "That's the guy?" She rushed out. "Like the guy? As in your regular?"

Juniper nodded her head frantically. "Yeah."

Rue scoffed and shook her head. "There's no fucking way."

"I'm not fucking around Rue— that's him!"

The two made eye contact. "You're sure?" Rue asked in all seriousness. She watched as Juniper chewed on her bottom lip before shrugging.

"I'm not 100% sure but," Juniper quickly ducked down more when the fridge door opened. "I'm pretty sure!"

"Bitch— that's Fez!"

"Fez?" Juniper questioned with her eyes wide. "Like your friend Fez? The one you've been telling me about?"


"What the fuck?" Juniper expressed, a little louder than she should have. Within a few seconds, there were footsteps echoing down the aisle. Juniper slowly turned her head to look up toward the noise. Fez stood above the pair with his hand outstretched. He was holding a bottle of lemonade.

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