Chapter 1 - Friends and rivals

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It was the day after the sport festival. 

Yesterday we were all trying to win, no matter what. A few of us were still injured. I glanced at Deku, he had been patched up the most, but I too had some scratches and tiny burns, with which I hadn't been wanting to bother Recovery girl.

But now all of that was gone. Or at least it seemed like it. But I knew that not everyone was completely back to normal. This morning I was trying to pull the golden medal out of Katsuki's teeth, and because I hadn't succeeded, I almost laughed at the thought of him walking around the school with that horrible face. 

There also was Todoroki, who looked a bit down, but that was understandable. I was dying to say something to him, comfort him. I could reach out my hand and touch his shoulder, just to tell him that I was here. He sat at the desk next to me, it would be so little gesture, but still so huge. At least for me. And with my confidence that wasn't gonna happen in a lifetime. 

And... Iida wasn't here. I really hoped his brother was all right.

But I, too, had things to think about. 

I was competitive, but then I wasn't. I usually really wanted to win, but only to the point where my desire to win was greater than the possibility that I could really hurt someones feelings. It felt like shit. Sometimes, when I was younger, I would lose on purpose so anyone wouldn't start raging. And that was just stupid. Especially here in the UA-high school, where everyone wanted to be the best hero. But in the sports festival I didn't want to lose, not at all. 

I lost to Katsuki in the one-on-one matches. As his second-cousin I've had countless of little competitions with him and seen him lose many of them. Seeing either the super scary raging after a lost game or the even scarier silence, when you have no idea what he is gonna do, would scare away anyone else, but I was used to it. I think him losing would have done some good to his ego, too. 

I knew I had a good quirk. People have been saying it to me my whole life. I can see that from my mothers work as a pro hero, she is magnificent with her quirk and mine is basically just an upgraded version of it. But still I've never seeked attention from big crowds, nor the smaller ones. And now that I had entered my dream school, I had realized that that is exactly what I needed to do. I needed to be dashing. I wanted people to see me. I wanted to become a hero, a hero who saves and helps people, a hero people can trust. I just had to get used to the popularity. I had decided that before the sports festival. I was ready. And then I got against Katsuki. 

I have known Katsuki my whole life, and even though I would never straight admit it to him, he has a good quirk. He also has great control over it. I knew how he seemed to others, he wanted to become the best and to show everyone that they're below him. Which sure was one way to see it, but deep down I knew how much he wanted to become a hero. A hero like All Might. And didn't we all? Katsuki just had to fix his attitude and behavior towards others. Otherwise he really was hero material. Still, still I really wanted to beat him, to show everyone, that I could do great things too. Things that aren't granted by my birthrights, my mother or my quirk. I wanted people see me, the real me. Not hero number 10 's gifted daughter who got into UA with official recommendations. Which really did sound pretty impressive. People seemed to think that I already had everything, which wasn't the case in the last couple of years.  

But for now I wanted to focus for the 'now' and the future. Sports festival was over and internships were ahead. And I still had no idea what to do about it.

I was deep in thought, looking out trough the window, when Aizawa-sensei finally told us to go home and rest and so we did. While walking down the school, half of the class looked like they've had three energy drinks this morning and the other half looked like they were just beaten the life out. Which they kinda were. I was part of the latter. 

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