Chapter 14: Curiosity Can't Kill this Cat.

Start from the beginning

"There's no reason that can't happen," Vikram replied, he was intrigued by Pallavi's story, the smile she was putting on hid a tragic story that he had to learn about. "I'll tell you what, I'm always looking for local designers, especially for sarees because as you know, every saree from all over India has such a unique story. Would I be able to see your designs sometime, perhaps I can be a small part of your journey to becoming a household name?"

Pallavi was taken aback, "Yes, yes, I would love that. You're a fashion designer yourself, right?"

"Ah, so your husband told you my story. Yes I am, like most people in our business, I caught the artistic bug from my mother, she spent her whole life collecting sarees from across India."

Both of them talked for what felt like hours, not noticing or caring about any of the other guests around them. Raghav was watching them from across the room. His eyes narrowing as he saw how openly Pallavi was laughing and smiling. How the hell did this woman manage to ruin everything in his life, but more importantly, what was Vikram saying to her to get her to look as free as she did? He had known Vikram for a long time, and had been trying to get him as a partner in Jayathi Jewels for three years now. But Saint Vikram of Delhi thought Raghav's antic were below his standard. Raghav had to make his move, even if it was because of how enthralled Vikram seemed to be with Pallavi, he needed to get Vikram to talk business.

"So, if you don't mind me asking again, how does a straightforward girl like you, marry Raghav Rao?" Vikram's curiosity could not be quelled.

Pallavi had to dodge again, partly because the story would most likely be unbelievable to any normal person. "So is there a reason you don't do business with my husband but decided to come to this party anyway?"

Vikram smiled, "Avoiding my questions only makes me more determined, Pallavi. But yes, I do avoid business with Raghav. I came tonight because despite my, er- difference of opinion with how your husband does business, it's always important to give people second chances. Also I never turn down a night of dancing and free drinks, I am a through and through Indian after all." Vikram smiled, "Though if Raghav can get a girl like you, I might have to reconsider my decision regarding Jayathi Jewels."

At that moment, Raghav walked up to them, he put on a fake smile, "Glad to hear it, Vikram, I of course would be delighted to have you on board."

Vikram smiled, he had no idea how a kamina like Raghav Rao married Pallavi Deshmukh, but if finding out meant getting into business with him, he might just do it. "Well I'm planning on meeting with Pallavi to look at her designs soon, so why don't we make it a double meeting?"

Raghav nodded silently, glancing at Pallavi. Why was she smiling at this guy? What had they been talking about before he had walked up?

Just then, the deejay made an announcement, "So, now that we've all gotten to know each other, let's get to some dancing!"

The room cheered, and Amma motioned to Raghav and Pallavi to dance. Raghav gave his Amma a look like he was ten and she had just told him to eat bitter gourd. Amma sighed and tried to get Pallavi to agree with her eyes. While Pallavi knew how to be the perfect daughter-in-law, this was perhaps the one thing she wouldn't listen to Amma for.

"Raghav, if you're not going to ask your beautiful wife to dance, do you mind?"

Before Raghav could say anything, Vikram held out his hand to Pallavi.

She took it reluctantly and Vikram smiled, pulling her to the center of the hall where other young couples were dancing. Vikram and Pallavi danced a quick waltz, moving across the hall with Vikram leading Pallavi around the other couples and farther and farther away from where Raghav was standing.

"Don't worry, I'm not a great dancer either, so I'm not going to try to lift or spin you or anything," Vikram smiled at Pallavi.

Pallavi laughed, "Why do you think I'm a bad dancer?"

After the dance ended, Vikram and Pallavi walked back over to Raghav, "And now I leave your wife back in your capable hands. Hold onto her tight, she's a great dancer." Vikram's eyes barely flitted to Raghav's direction, it was almost as if he didn't even notice anyone other than Pallavi.

Pallavi laughed, "I'll have you know, I'm a professionally trained kathak dancer."

Vikram raised his eyebrows, "Oh well, now that's definitely something I have to see to believe. But another time, I'm afraid. I have to be getting home."

Raghav wished him goodnight, but his eyes narrowed as he realized that yet again, Vikram acted as if he wasn't even there.

Though the party fizzled out around twenty minutes later, Pallavi's smile didn't. Even as Aai and Nikhil gave her worried looks as they left (Sulochana and Amruta haughty and scowling as usual), Pallavi was still smiling. Vikram wanted to look at her designs, she was ecstatic. Even being married to Ghamandi Rao couldn't ruin that news. As she helped Amma and Keerthi tidy up, Raghav also noticed the change in Pallavi's demeanor. He may want Vikram Singh Rathore's business, but he didn't like the effect Vikram was having on Pallavi. Then he realized what he was thinking about and cursed himself as he went up the stairs to his room. Why the hell should he care if Vikram was talking to Saree ka Dukaan, he probably didn't even like her designs and was just being polite for the sake of politeness.

When Pallavi walked in the room, smiling, Raghav's anger bubbled up again. She came out of the bathroom, changed out of that gorgeous white sari into a plain kurtha and pajamas. As she approached the bed, Raghav kept staring. What was it about Saree ka Dukaan that enchanted people, first Amma, now this Vikram? Did no one realize her innocent face was just a mask?

"Listen, I don't want you to meet with Vikram." What Raghav wanted to sound like a suggestion came out as an order, and he realized his mistake as soon as he saw Pallavi's reaction.

"Excuse me. Firstly, you don't tell me who I can or can't meet. Secondly, you should be happy, the man clearly thinks you're corrupt or shady, and because of me he agreed to meet with you."

Raghav clenched his jaw and grabbed Pallavi's wrist, "Who the hell do you think you are? If I want to get into business with him, I can get into business with him."

Pallavi's anger was back in full force, her good mood basically gone, "fine then, no one is stopping you. And as to who I am, well because of you, I am Mrs. Pallavi Raghav Rao. So, if I want to meet with someone about my work, no one in this world can stop me, especially not you."

Pallavi turned her back to him, indicating that the conversation was over.

Raghav, furious and confused, knew he had no other way to physically stop her from meeting with Vikram, partly because he wanted to keep his meeting, and partly because he was afraid that a small part of him was feeling jealous.

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