優子 1

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The clock ticks seven in the evening

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The clock ticks seven in the evening. Yuko helps her manager clean up the small salon.

"Thank you for your hard work today, Yuko." Naomi, the owner of the salon, says with the slightest smile.

Yuko smiles back. "I'll be heading home now. Take care, Miss Naomi." Yuko says and bows. She left the store as her feet moved quicker.

She arrives home with her chest rising up and down as she pulls open the door. Yuko grabs one bar of snacks from her tiny kitchen and goes to her room. She drops her bag on her bed and pulls out her notebook.

It was unhealthy for her to eat a snack bar for dinner, but finishing her homework was stronger than her hunger. The assignment was due tomorrow, and she couldn't find the time to answer them during work. The salon was quite busy at that time.

It is already half-past eight, and Yuko stretches her sore body from sitting for an hour. She heaves a lengthy sigh and slumps her drained body on the bed. She scoops her phone to see any notifications.

New My Hero Academia chapter!

She immediately clicks open the notification to read.

VILLAIN ARC  ༘ chisaki kai & shigaraki tomuraWhere stories live. Discover now