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The Senju healer was standing in King Minato's office, also known as the Yellow Flash, a title given to him after his success in the last great war. He was sitting behind his wooden desk, a letter in hand and a frown on his face.

King Minato had gotten word that a group of vandals from Oto were burglarizing and tormenting one of the small towns within Konoha's territory.

"I'm sending you and a small team of guards to handle the situation as you see fit" he said controlled. "You are to leave immediately."

Saluting the king, the woman took her leave in order to prepare.


The trip was a half day away by horse and Tsunade was in a bad mood. "When I get my hands on those Oto fools, they'll wish they never set foot in Konoha" threatened Tsunade. The soldiers accompanying her shivered at the promise.

It was several hours later when the atmosphere surrounding the travelers shifted to attention. They had made it to their destination, which was made apparent by the smoke billowing in the distance.

"I'll head for the fire" Tsunade yelled, "you guys evacuate the people" she commanded as she started heading for the flames.


The blonde woman had stopped her horse and gotten off once she caught sight of a child sitting alone in front of a burning house. The girl couldn't be older than five and she was too close to the fire for Tsunade's comfort.

Pink hair obscured her face but her green eyes gleamed through the strands. Her shoulders shook, and her sobs told the story she wouldn't be able to.

She was looking at her house be consumed by flames.

"Mama, Papa" she cried as ash fell around her. She looked like the embodiment of Persephone in that moment, with her white dress and her spring coloring. Trying to leave the grey and decay of the underworld.

Out of the corner of her eye, Tsunade saw two men emerge from the shadows and lunge at the girl. Swords in hand.

The five year old had her back to them and couldn't see them coming.

The woman started to move her feet, but she was too far away. Fear gripped her heart when she registered that she wouldn't make it in time.

Too focused she was on the attackers that she didn't notice the pinkette start to glimmer.

And then...a blinding light appeared. Causing Tsunade to stop and shield her face with her arms. But just as quickly as the light formed, it disappeared.

Dropping her arms and turning her head left and right the blonde realized she was alone. Nowhere to be seen were the assailants, and the fire had incredulously been extinguished.

All that was present now was a mess of clothes in the same spot the woman last saw the little girl.

Next her senses registered a loud crying. The sound emanating from the garments. Tsunade hastened her footsteps and approached the bundle on the ground.


What had she just witnessed?

Yet it was unmistakable. The baby wailing was swaddled in the same clothes the girl had on and had thick pink hair. Unable to verify if her eyes were green due to her crying but confident it would be, Tsunade checked to see if anything was wrong with the baby.

All ten fingers and toes. No obvious injuries. So she did a simple diagnostic technique and confirmed that nothing was abnormal.

Judging by the size and features the whining girl could not be older than a couple months old.

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