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someone opened the door.

The door squeaked as it opened and I waited in anticipation. Soon enough I was met with the face of the Madrigal shape shifter.

As soon at your eyes met and he had analyzed your face he turned pale and shut the door as fast as possible. But you managed to stop it with your foot, you shuttered in pain as he had shut it hard on your foot.

I opened the door wider and stared him in the eyes. "Who exactly do you think you are? Stealing MY deliveries?!" you furiously shouted. "I'm Camilo Madrigal" he said with pride and handed you his hand to shake.

I slapped it away. "Yes I am WELL AWARE of who you are" "you asked who I thought I was though." He cockily replied as that followed with a moment of silence. I looked him dead in the eye. "That's not funny. I'm serious."

"Okay fine I admit I did it but what's your deal? You only lost a few pesos, it wasn't even that much!" I teared up a little. The audacity, of course he doesn't understand what it's like to work every day just to afford food and shelter. Even if it was a "few pesos" I still need it to help my family.

Camilo saw Y/N tear up and instant realization, regret and guilt filled his body. "Hey.. I'm really sor" he was cut off by Y/N throwing the bag of vegetables at him.

I wiped away my tears with my sleeve. "You guys bought this by the way. Save your apology for when you really mean it" I angrily said.

As you turned around and started walking you felt him grab your wrist. "WAIT! look I really am sorry, I mean it" he handed you the pesos from his pocket, but it was more than what that one delivery paid.

"That's more than what I earn a day" you were shocked. "Have it, it's not that much. I've been saving up a little and I just want to give it to you especially since I've been stealing your deliveries. I'm really sorry" he looked you in the eye with a look that said take it, please.

"Are you sure Camilo?" I hesitated on taking it. "I am, please take it. You probably need it more than I do" he was serious. I didn't tell him about my family's financial problems but I guess by the way I reacted earlier had him notice. I feel a little embarrassed taking money from people who probably just pity me and feel bad.

But my family needs it, I can't turn down what he's giving me. I doubt he would even let me turn it down but even if I did my parents would kill me for not taking it. We wouldn't have to worry about a few days without food, maybe he does understand. I take the money and look him in the eye. "Thank you so much" "Its no problem, I'm sorry we got off on a bad start by the way" he scratched his head.

As I put the money into my backpack he said "Hey.. I never got your name?" I was surprised but I guess that's a normal thing someone would ask when they meet someone new. "Y/N, my name is Y/N L/N" he looked away "that's a really nice name" he sheepishly said. "Really? Thank you" I giggled because no one had said that before really.

"Well i'll be on my way now" I said as I turned around. "WAIT" he said and I turned back around to face him "yes?" "are you busy today?" well I did have to do some more deliveries but that can wait, right? "No, why?" I lied "Do you wanna maybe go on a walk and get to know each other a little more? IF your want of course you don't have to.. But I'll be happy to get you some lunch too later."

My eyes widened, he wants to go on a walk? Get lunch? This is starting to sound like a date haha. Pfft not like I like him or anything. He's got a handsome face and a funny personality but pfff we just met it's probably just platonic, right?

"Of course! I'll be happy to!" I excitedly announced. "Woah Y/N you're excited" he looked at me with a smirk. "WHAT! I just.. I JUST haven't been able to explore the town because I've been so busy. It's all new to me y'know" I blushed. Part of that was true but I just felt happy that someone wanted to spend their day with me.

"Surreeee" he glanced at me with a smirk so I pushed him a little and we started laughing. "Wow you're soo funny Camilo" I sarcastically said and he nudged me. "Ok ok let's get going" he said as we started walking down the road.

"So where are we going" I curiously asked "It's a surprise" he smiled. I felt butterfly's in my stomach, I just feel so excited. So we walked down the street talking about our interests.

About halfway to where we were he covered my eyes and we continued walking. "Hey what for?!" "It'll make the surprise better if you don't see it beforehand." His hands were warm and felt nice on my face as weird as that sounds, it felt comforting.

"We're here Y/N!"

Playing Hard to Get? Camilo Madrigal x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now