CH 2

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Rosemary was in her room, writing in her journal. Her bedroom was large with a matching bedroom set and never ending dresses and accessories. It seems that Rumplestiltskin had forgotten how to show love and only buys it. Rosemary refused to give in.

Yes, all she did was spend her days locked in her room. But she kept herself occupied. She would rather write in her journal, than face the man who changed everything.

Day 363:

The terror continues. It has been almost a year now since my last birthday. And I am still in this castle. It is quite enormous for two people. Of course, I only stay in my bedroom.

It was a day similar to the ones before. Rosemary did her routine of moving her furniture to block her entry door. Never taking any chances of letting the Dark One get through. But she wonders why he only shows up at night? She knows he does because he thinks things are magically back in place when she wakes up.

Does he not sleep? Did he also become a vampire after becoming a seer?

It will be her birthday soon again. And she will turn back to being 14. This was her decision. The only request she made him do for her. Every year on her birthday, he must turn back time for her by a year. 14 forever. For now.


She heard a knock on her door. Rumplestiltskin never knocks. He always announces when he is there. This was new.

"Hello? Are you there, miss?" It was a woman's voice. Now this certainly was a surprise for Rosemary. It didn't sound like Cora or Regina.

"Who is it?" Rosemary asked the voice from the other side.

"My name is Belle. The new caretaker of this castle and your new governess. We met briefly, do you remember?" Rosemary took a moment to recall the memory. To be honest, she thought it was a dream..

"Are you real? Are you actually, properly real?" She asked her. Instead of a response of confirmation, she received a giggle.

"Yes, I am real. May I come in?" Without a second thought, the young girl swung the doors wide open. Rose stood before the woman with brown curly hair, wearing a blue and white dress, smiling at her.

"At last, I get to see you face to face." Belle happily said. She held in her arms a pile of books. Rosemary could only think that new things would be happening now.


Belle spent every day with Rose. Teaching her everything and anything. And to her pleasure, the young girl was a brilliant and curious student. She could tell that the Dark one's daughter enjoyed her studies by having her table filled with papers, books, and tea ready to be used. The girl was definitely not what Belle expected her to be. But one thing did bother her. Rosemary refused to leave her room.

"How long has she been stuck in her room?" Belle asked out of a sudden as she poured Rumplestiltskin his tea in the grand room while he was spinning his wheel. But her words interrupted his concentration.

"Why do you ask?" He asked her.

"She never leaves her room" She reminded him.

"Oh that.... She's always been like that." He waved it off. But Belle was not going to give up.

"For how long?" Rumple gave up on spinning his wheel. Clearly seeing his maid was too nosey.

"Why are you so curious? This routine of her's is normal." He was getting annoyed and wanted to drop the topic. He had a hunch why she acted this way, but thought it best to stay away.

Rosemary Book: 2Where stories live. Discover now