Chapter 1 -first appearance-

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——— the ringing ——
—-the ringing..——

It won't stop

Y/n woke as the ringing in her ear proceeded to get louder and louder the more she rubbed her eyes.

It is stuffy. It's hard to breathe. My nose feels fuzzy. My head is fogged. I cant move.

Y/n's head was pounding and forcing her eyes awake as she looked around her surroundings.

An... alley? Where am I?

She sat upright and immediately winced and clutched her bruised hip. She groaned in pain as she struggled to breathe.

Her face was puffed and red, she can barely remember anything.

Her nails were weak. She felt weak and little, as if something was cowering over her every second. She looked behind her to make sure.

What.. what happened?

She expected memories to flood back into her tangled mind, but there was nothing.



She trembled as she struggled to stand up. It's like she hasn't eaten in days.

It hurt her to move her legs, to do anything really. It hurt her to breathe. To think.

She painfully limped over to where the light was forming, out into the city streets.

Her vision (haha) was still very hazy and hard to focus. She blinked hard a few times and finally she adjusted to her surrounding.

Holy shit

Where am I?

There was cars buzzing everywhere, the sound hurting her blank mind. The lights were to loud and the cars were to bright.

She saw a bench nearby and she slumped over and tried to breathe, but she can only get in small breathes without a tremendous pain stabbing her through her lungs.

She gasped and held her side as her eyes stung.

She felt like she was just seeing the world for the first time.

Oh my God
Am I dying?

What is going on?

Why does it hurt?



After about 10 minutes, she finally had enough strength to get up again and wonder around.

She had no cash, or anything, and her body was begging for food and water.

The traffic was heavy and cars were blocked everywhere due to it.

She stumbled across streets and pavements until she finally reached a pizza parlor.

Her eyes brightened with absolute hunger. She needed food. Now.

She picked up her pace and the second she entered the parlor, people looked scared and shocked.

Are they stupid?

They all stared at her as she wondered up to the counter and she stared into the worker's eyes with desperation.

He looked terrified.

"Um- M-Mam ... are y-you okay..?" He stuttered as he cowards away from Y/N.

She gave him a confused look and managed to mumble out with the little strength she had left, "food."

His bottom lip trembled as he walked backwards towards the stove, not turning his back.

What the hell is going on?

Y/n waited patiently at the counter, until she heard a small voice behind her.

"Mommy? Why is she glowing?"

Y/n's eyes widened.

She whipped around with no words.

"Do.. do you have a mirror..?" She asked the lady, who was the child's mom.

She grabbed her child's wrist and slowly handed her her open phone camera.

Y/n reluctantly took it from her and peered into the camera.

Into herself.

Which was in fact, glowing.

Not a color, just.. glowing.

She gasped and then clutched her side form pain, dropping the phone.

What is wrong with me?


She gave the woman a sorry look and turned back to the counter to see the fresh, steaming, cheesy pizza.

"T-thank you.." y/n almost whispered.

She grabbed the pizza and devoured it in 5.7 seconds.

She felt a little better now.

She wanders back outside and out into the pavement.

She saw a building with the TV's in the window, so she went to take a better look.

She walked out into the road and then the back of her head started to hurt.

She turned to see a car driving full speed ahead, driving so recklessly.

She turned her head sharp and before she knew it, her hand was up and she held the car in the air in front of her.

The glow intensified.

She couldn't see through the tinted windows but she harshly dropped the car and grabbed her side for support.

Her knees buckled to the ground, she acted so carelessly, forgetting that she is so weak.

She moaned in pain as she collapsed.

She heard the car door open and saw two feet pacing towards her until her vision (haha) went complete dark and her hearing faded.

tony stark x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now