"Hey Lillian," Peter smiled.

"Hey," Lillian smiled back.

"Here we are," Aunt May said, putting the turkey on the table.

Norman tried to grab a piece of food to eat, earning a slap on the hand from Aunt May, "Norman! Will you do the honors?"

Norman eyed her dangerously, sucking his fingers. Aunt May smiled carefully, before looking at Peter, "Why Peter, you're bleeding."

Norman and Lillian both looked towards Peter quickly. There was a blood stain on his shirt.

"Oh, yeah. I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bike messengers," he explained, stuttering.

"Oh, let me see. Oh that looks awful," Aunt May pulled his sleeve down, revealing a long scratch.

"It's nothing," Peter sighed.

"I'll get the first aid kit, then we'll say grace," Aunt May left quickly. "This is the boy's first Thanksgiving at this apartment and we are going to do things properly!"

Norman looked uneasy, Lillian noticed.

"How.. did you say that happened?" Norman quietly asked Peter.

"Bike messenger," he looked at Norman. "Knocked me down."

Norman set the knife down and stood up.

"Well, excuse me, I've got to get going," he grabbed his coat.

"What? Why?" Harry got up too.

"Where are you going?" Lillian asked, worriedly.

"Something has come to my attention," he put on his coat and began for the door.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine," Norman spoke quickly.

Peter and Lillian looked at each other with furrowed eyebrows, both shrugging.

"Thank you Mrs. Parker, everyone, enjoy the fruit cake," he walked out of the door.

Harry followed him outside, to which you could hear Harry's upset voice on how important it was for Norman to meet Mary Jane. Norman thought she just wanted him for his money. Lillian looked to Mary Jane who looked very hurt.

Lillian suddenly felt bad.

"Don't listen to him," she spoke quickly.

Mary Jane smiled quickly, returning to her hurt expression. Harry came back inside.

"Thanks for sticking up for me Harry," she said sarcastically, grabbing her coat.

"You heard?" Harry asked.

"Everyone heard that creep," she scoffed.

"That creep is my father. Alright if I'm lucky I'll become half of what he is. Just keep your mouth shut about stuff you don't understand!" he shouted at her as she opened the door.

"Harry Osborn!" Aunt May said in shock.

"Sorry Aunt May," Mary Jane said as she left.

Lillian felt angry with her brother, "Why would you speak to her like that?"

"She was talking bad about dad!" he threw up his hands in defense.

"He was being a dick! I don't blame her!" Lillian scoffed. "Sorry for the language, Aunt May."

Aunt May nodded.

"So you'll just let her talk about our father like that?" Harry asked, genuinely.

"Yes. What he said was fucking rude. She did not deserve that. You especially need to apologize for treating her like that after she was upset," Lillian scolded her brother.

Harry frowned in defeat, "She will not want to talk to me after that."

Lillian chuckled, "I wonder why."

"Shut up," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh you gonna tell me to shut my mouth now for doing the right thing?" Lillian challenged.

"Fuck you," Harry scoffed, grabbing his coat and walking towards the door.

"Bye," Lillian said sarcastically.

Peter and Aunt May were speechless.

"I'm sorry guys, he is such a jerk sometimes," Lillian frowned.

"I agree, he was a bit out of line," Aunt May shook her head.

"Well, there isn't any reason this food should to waste!" Lillian exclaimed, sitting by Peter again to enjoy Thanksgiving.


im going to make next chapter a cute little chapter that doesn't really revolve around the story but about lillian's birthday. let's pretend her and harry never had this fight during it okay? her birthday is november 30th.

electric {peter parker}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora