Clearing her throat (Y/n) scanned the group before taking a few steps back. "Go on. Just wanted to make something clear is all." Providing a bit more room, Genos gawked at (Y/n) in astonishment and admiration. For such wise words to come streaming down her tongue as if it was natural... she is beyond what he had initially thought upon meeting her at first glance.

Perhaps the hostile, prideful, and reclusive side of the woman that Genos has come to know as his Sensei was just that—a face of hers she uses on everyone. Was he that special that she would show him that side in front of everyone? Does she put so much concern and awareness into his actions and mistakes to correct him in such a way?

Even with the pleasure that swelled up inside of his heart at his realization, Genos didn't overlook Saitama's bullshit talking just a couple of minutes ago.

"Master Saitama, your power is clearly stronger than what you'd get from just training your body!"

'That's right. I want to know your-'

"We want to know your true secret!" Yelling out his desire, Genos glared at him with his puffed-up hair, one of his eyes missing as some wires were sticking out. Sighing, Saitama stared at him with no lies of his mirroring in his eyes. Saitama's black orbs were like a tranquil pond.

"Genos, you may not believe me, but that's really all I did." Debunking his thoughts, Genos stared at him in shock, the truth of the position settling into his heart as he thought if it was genuinely the full truth?

'Of course not! And Sensei must know something about his legitimate power! I must talk to her about this soon before Master tells Sensei to remain hushed about such a secret matter.' Nodding his head in resolution to his thoughts, Genos peered over at (Y/n) who was standing there, scrolling through her phone with a bored look on her face.

"Oh, yeah?" Upon hearing the ignored voice, all three glanced up at the massive Carnage Kabuto, veins sticking out grossly, which made Dr. Genus panic as he held a hand on his wounded arm. "No! Carnage Kabuto!"

"If you don't wanna tell us your secret... so be it." After stating this, Carnage Kabuto's skin peeled off as his muscles increased in size and strength, more veins popping out and appearing under his skin in a striking matter.

"Stop! You'll go on another rampage!"

'Bro, didn't I have a work interview in WacDonalds at like... 2 p.m.?'

"I bet you aren't stronger than me anyway!" Yelling this out in rage, Carnage Kabuto's horn heightened greatly in diameter as it spikes more in the end; his height expanding immensely. While this was transpiring, his whole aesthetic was transforming from murky brown colors to deep purple and neon green ones.

Ignoring the three-way closing doors (Y/n) took a picture of her and Saitama with Carnage Kabuto in the background. The reason? It became a meager hobby of hers to capture every personal moment that he and she bumped into a monster, and to be honest—she had a lot of pictures.

"But since you pissed me off, I'm gonna annihilate you."

'Wow. I'm quaking in my SpongeBob shoes right now, man.'

Striking both of his feet on the ground, the impact made the ground shatter under his weight and strength. Taking a brief glance at the current version of Carnage Kabuto (Y/n) casually looked back down on her phone as she returned to reading fanfiction. Though while she was studying the new version of the shit-stained asshole (Y/n) took note that his normal colors—dirty brown and dark orange—changed to neon green and dark purple as the green twirled around his body spaced out. Not only did his stature become enormous, but so did his ego.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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