Nothing But A Troublemaker

Start from the beginning

"You have nothing to worry about," Trein smiles reassuringly. "If any student was stupid enough to try anything on you ladies, they would be expelled before they knew it."

"Good to know. Okay, I'm ready to start working now," Trein hands Bailey a sheet of paper.

"Please go make 30 copies of this worksheet. The copier is in the office all the way down the hall."

"Yessir," Bailey takes the paper and walks down the long hall of the building. She passes a few students on the way who seem shocked by her presence. She also can't help but realize the building is way nicer than any of the halls at her college. It pissed her off, considering she paid nearly 30k a semester on that school. The copier was also way better than any at her school. She examines the copier, wondering if it works the same way as the ones in her world.

"Do you need assistance?" A male voice asks. Bailey whips around to see one of the most attractive men she had ever seen, clad in a massive fur coat.

"I'm good. I think it works the same as an earth copier," the man raises a brow at Bailey. "...Earth is my world," she informs him.

"Ah, so you're the assistant teacher I was warned about," warned? That was a strange way to put it.

"That's me. Bailey Saxon," Bailey extends a hand to him. He lightly swats it away with a strange pointer. "Um, excuse you?"

"To think an educator would come to work looking like this!" He insults.

"How exactly am I supposed to look!? I came to this world against my will with nothing but the clothes on my back! Unless you're planning to buy me something nice, this is what you're gonna get!" She yells.

"Very well, you can pay me back later," Bailey looks at him like he's insane.


"I'll take you shopping after work. I won't be able to tolerate you looking like this on the days you're assisting me. Meet me back in this room at 5 pm," he offers. Bailey blinks.

"Really? Okay," she agrees. "I'm gonna.... Make these copies now," she turns back around.

"Divus Crewel, by the way," he gives Bailey what she assumes is his name before leaving her to her work.


"Amazing! So this is Main Street!" Grim beams. "I didn't get a good look yesterday, but what's with these statues? All seven of them look pretty scary. This granny looks especially snobby."

"You don't know about the Queen of Hearts?" An orange haired boy around Ryder's age approached them. It was just Grim, Demetria, and Ryder, as the girls decided to split up to cover more ground.

"Queen of Hearts? Is she important?" Grim asks. They all turn their attention to the statue of an overweight woman wearing a crown.

"In the past, she was the Queen who lived in the Rose Maze..." the boy, who introduced himself as Ace, went on to explain the stories of all seven statues surrounding Main Street. Demetria and Grim were completely absorbed in the stories. Ryder was less interested, though her mind soaked in most of the information anyway.

"Oooh! A dragon! All monsters look up to them!" Grim shouts.

"They're all so cool! Unlike a certain raccoon..." Ace gets all of their attention now. "Ahahah! I can't bear it anymore! Ahahahhaa!" Ace doubles over laughing. "Aren't you the guys who went crazy at the entrance ceremony!? You were summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic, and you, a monster, weren't called but still trespassed! Man, it took everything I had not to lose it right there!"

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