Liliah got up and ran toward her, tackling her off of Clint.
" Stop I'll give you one last warning." Yelena told her.
" Nobody killed Nat. She sacrificed herself." Liliah told her as they fought.
" Fine, you had your chance." Yelena kicked Liliah to the side.
Then she brought out her gun and shot Liliah in the shoulder.

She turned to Clint and they fought for a moment before Yelena started hitting him with a stick. Liliah held her exposed shoulder in pain.
" Motherfucker. Think Li." Liliah told herself.
She pulled out her dagger and cut the long sleeve side of her dress. Then used the fabric to wrap her shoulder up.

Suddenly Clint whistled and Yelena stopped dead in her tracks.
" How do you know that?" Yelena asked.
" Your secret whistle with Nat. She talked about you all the time, Yelena." Clint told her.
" She did? What did she say?" Yelena asked.
" She told me about how you got separated as kids. She was flying that plane. I asked her if she was scared. All she could think about is that that you were safe. That never changed Yelena. She loved you. And always a wanted you safe." Clint told her.

" She-she didn't sacrifice herself for Clint. She did it for half of the population that vanished. Including myself. So don't take out on Clint, take it out on me." Liliah sat up.
" You two got so much time with her. It shouldn't have gone this way. If I was there, I could have stopped it, I could have- I could have changed it." Yelena cried.
" Nothing was going to stop her Yelena. You know Natasha. She made her choice. We're gonna have to find away to live with that." Clint explained.

" I loved her so much." Yelena sobbed.
Liliah hoisted herself up and slowly made her way to Yelena.
" So did I." Liliah lightly grabbed her hand.
" She talked about you. Said you reminded her of me." Yelena told her.
" She was my family. And you were here's. No family of Natasha's should spend Christmas alone not on my watch." Liliah said.
" Do you usually invite people that shot you to spend Christmas with you?" Yelena asked wiping her tears.

Liliah though for a moment.
" Actually yeah. Maybe I should stop doing that, after you of course." Liliah chuckled.
Yelena chuckled a little too.
" So what do you say? Plus I have someone I think you'd like to meet." Liliah smiled.
" Okay, sure." Yelena nodded.
" Okay I'm going to uhh get this patched up. Don't go too far." Liliah pointed at her.
" Don't worry I'll find you." Yelena told her before walking away.

Liliah started walking back to the building. When she heard a cry. She furrowed her eyebrows and followed the sound. A little away from the building was a baby and a women next to it. Liliah rushed to them and kneeled down next to the woman. She checked her plush and felt her heart drop.

" Hey! We need help over here!" Liliah yelled towards some police officers.
The babies cry brought Liliah's attention back to it. Liliah looked back down picked it up.
" Shh, it's okay, okay. I'll get you to safety." Liliah tried soothing him.
The police officers came towards them. They picked up the woman and Liliah saw that she had a gunshot wound.
" And the child?" One of the policemen asked.
" Was laying next to her. We need to identify them and find any living relatives." Liliah told them.

" Looks like you need your own medical assistants ma'am." He pointed out.
" Oh right. Keep me updated." Liliah reluctantly handed the baby over.
" Of course." He nodded.


After Liliah got properly patched up and convinced the MT's that she could wait to have surgery in Brooklyn she made her way to the police station. Luckily the man she was talking to earlier was at the front desk.
" How's the baby situation." She asked.
" Mother was Quinn Anderson. Nineteen. There was no birth certificate for the baby." He explained.
" Okay what about the father?" Liliah asked.
" Man named Corbin Binn. Twenty two, both from Maine. Seems like they were together but, no contact has been made to each other in about eleven months." He told her.

" Her parents, other family?" Liliah asked.
" Called her mother. She told us she wanted nothing to do with the baby or her daughter. Disowned her after she got pregnant. Mother told us just to put the kid in orphanage." He said.
" You're not really going to do that are you?" Liliah asked.
" We've tried contacting the father and his parents many times. He never answered and his parents said the same thing that the mothers parents said. We have no choice." He shrugged.

In a moment it felt like Liliah was connected with Steve from beyond.
" I'll take him. I'll adopt him." Liliah said.
" What?" He asked.
" If you're putting him up for adoption, I'll adopt him." Liliah told him.
" I-Uhh okay. You'll have to sign papers and-"
He started.
" Done, and I want to make sure his mother gets a proper burial. I'll pay for it." Liliah told him.

" Right-I'll be back." He told her before he walked away.
" Liliah." Wendy said.
" Wendy, hi." Liliah smiled.
" I'm glad you are here. I have something for you." Wendy pulled out a certificate.
" What's this?" Liliah asked.
" Well me, Orville, Missy and Grills decided that you needed an official title. So we combined our positions at the police and fire station and official gave you a Captain title." Wendy smiled.

" Oh my god. This is great thank you. You've done so much for me, but could I bother you for one more favor?" Liliah asked.
" Of course." Wendy nodded.


Liliah, Yelena and the baby all got out of the taxi at seven in the morning on Christmas Day.
" Wow. This is nice." Yelena looked at the house.
" Yeah, not half bad huh?" Liliah chuckled.
They paid the taxi driver and walked to front door. Liliah unlocked the door and walked in.
" Hello?!" Liliah called.

" Liliah! Merry Christm- what the hell?" James stopped in his tracks.
" Pops, this is Yelena and this is Grant." Liliah introduction them.
" Hi, nice to meet you. Is that hers?" James pointed to the baby.
" As of six thirty this morning he's mine. Don't worry, everything was legal." Liliah joked.
" Lily! You're never going to believe this!" James called.
" Come on let's go to the living room." Liliah told Yelena.

They walked into the living room were, Lily, Fred, baby Natasha, Luna and Ginny were all sitting. Everyone gasped at the baby in Liliah's arms.
" Li-" Fred started.
" Everyone this is my friend Yelena. She is my godmothers Natasha's sister. And this little guy is Grant Anthony Rogers. His mother was killed by a mafia member last night and non of his other family wanted anything to do with him because of his mother. So I adopted him." Liliah explained before anyone could ask questions.

" This is the best Christmas present ever!" Lily smiled and walked towards them.
She pulled Liliah, with the baby in her arms and Yelena into a hug.
" Oh okay. This is nice." Yelena said.
" Oh right. Yelena, over there is Natasha. My daughter." Liliah told her.
Yelena's eyes widen and she walked towards the crib with the baby in it. She looked down and saw a baby girl with red hair and green eyes. She smiled and a single tear fell from her eye.

" Why did you name him Grant Anthony?" Ginny asked.
" My dads middle name was Grant. And Tony's full name is Anthony." Liliah explained.
" Its perfect. He's perfect." Fred kissed the side of her head.

This was going to be a good Christmas.

Authors Note: Sooo surprise! Let's not goo into full though on how this all happened lol. I knew I wanted this to happen but I could not for the life of me think of a great way to make it make it happen without tons of plot holes. So I think this is good, it's believable. Also I'll have two filler chapters after this before I start NWH so stayed tuned. Thank you my loves <3

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