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She scratched his face from the photo. It was one year passed since the day of their first contact. She remember it like  it was yesterday. He was taller than her and so he can protect her from the bloody rain.

She looks up to him: "Than-k-ks you safe me." He looks down. "You have to go, so long you can. Go home and tell nobody about this. I will see you again, one day, but it is to dangerous for you in this magic woods. As an human the creatures from here will don't accept you. They will kill you in seconds." "But I don't want to leave you." She focus his bright red eyes, " You're also a creature from the magic woods right? So why do you not kill me?" "Because I'm special. And now leave"

Back in the reality she sink down to the floor. And burst out in tears. " I didn't mean to kill him" she whispered. "I only wants him to forget about the forest and come with me in the city." Tears roll down her face and drips on the photo in her hands. " If we can't be happy on earth we wants to be it in heaven.

She looks down from the skyscraper. She shackes but that wouldn't stop her. She jumps.

"Am I in heaven? Did it work?" She looks around and find herself in the arms from him. "Where Am I?" He answer slowly and with a deep voice " In a safety."After a few seconds she realized that they were flying. "Wait you're an demon? Oh and a hot one too I see." she said looking at him. "Yeah and now we will be happy together." he smiles and fly over the sky, with her in his arms, back to their new home.

[Wort Count: 305 words]

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