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I woke up to the sound of the church bells and Mía crying I checked the small clock beside me '4:13' 

I groaned and got out of bed. I lit a candle and walked to mama's room. Sure enough, mama was up and walking around with her.

"Do you need any help, mama?" I said quietly as my eyes adjusted.

"No no, Mija/o, go back to bed, get some rest, you've been working all weekend" she walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I nodded my head and grabbed her plate from the nightstand and went to the kitchen to put it in the sink.

I decided just to stay up and do some financing quietly. After all, what's a better way to look after my familia and kill time. I took out the small, folded, papers I kept in my nightstand table out and grabbed the pencil from my desk.

I walked over to the couch and started doing calculations and comparing them to last months.

When I was finished with the list I compared them and smiled, we had spent less money this month than the last.

Last month Juan got into a fight with one of the other boys and we had to buy him new shoes which cost me a weeks worth of work. Juan told me they threw his shoes into the river because he looked poor.

So, with my short temper, I bought him the newest shoes they had and I have cleaned them everyday.

I looked back at the grandfather clock '4:57' I sighed and stood up, work starts in almost half an hour and it took twenty minutes to walk to town.

I walked to my room and closed the door. I put away the finances and opened my dresser, I looked at my schedule. 

5:30-11:00 seamstress

12:00-6:00 Andrés Carne de Res Restaurant

I had a busy day, I grabbed my hand-stitched bag and packed my folded restaurant clothes and one of my regular skirts/pants with a white long sleeved shirt.

I put on the shirt, decorate with flowers and the pink skirt/pants they gave me on my first day there along with my mediocre-but-were-ok-to-walk-in shoes.

I grabbed my hair brush and quickly brushed through it then I pushed it backwards so that it most mostly out of the way.

I walked down the hall and went into jose and juan's room, giving them each a peck on the forehead and tucking them back in, mama was responsible this morning for breakfast since I had no time to get anything put together.

I closed their door quietly and walked out of the house.




"y/n I need  you to take this order i'm taking my lunch!" the head seamstress said.

She handed me the note and walked out the back door. I walked up to the front as I read the note. "I'm tailoring a white slacks, white collared shirt, and white jacket with gold trim for...Antonio Madrigal!" when I read that it was for Antonio my mood brightened. I looked toward the counter and saw him there with Felix and Pepa.

"y/n! I didn't know you worked here!" Pepa seemed shocked but somewhat happy.

"Yeah I work at quite a few places," I stopped myself from saying more with a tight lipped smile, I didn't want them to think I wanted their pity.

"Come around the counter and I can get to making adjustments!" I smiled as Antonio ran up to me and held my hand as I led them to the dressing room.

I had Antonio put on the attire and when he came out I let out a small chuckle as he walked out.

"Crush" (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now