the vines

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it was a cloudy day in ponyville everypony was either in their houses or was doing their everyday stuff except for one pink party pony who was deciding to take a little walk in the everfree forest. lalalalalala the good old trees and the good old plants. she said as she galloped pass them. while she was galloping thru the forest there was some movment happening in the trees and they seem to watch the party ponys every move. while she was galloping she saw a odd looking flower. pinkie pie: huh hey i never seen or heard of this type of flower before. pinkie said examining it and decided to go closer to it when she does some vines came down from the trees still looking at pinkie as she goes to the odd looking flower. pinkie then gets to the flower and takes a sniff at it. pinkie: hmm this flower smells funny. she said before the pebbles tickled her nose causing her to giggle. pinkie pie: hehehehe it tickles. she said pulling her face away from the plant and rubbing her nose afterwards. before she could leave her spot the vines shot out from the trees and wrapped around her waist and two more shot out and wrapped around her front hooves causing her to yelp. pinkie pie: huh h hey let me go. she said trying to get herself free before she was pulled into the forest and up into the trees as she screamed. when she was up into the trees where no pony could see her she got quite nervous and looked around to see nothing but leaves and branches more vines showed up and wrapped her hind legs and the one at her waist released itself from her the ones holding her front hooves spreaded out so she would be in a Y shape. pinkie pie: hey can you let me go please. she said trying to pull her front hooves free when more vines showed up around her making her nervous even more making pinkie to close her eyes as she waited her fate that awaited her. suddenly she felt some scratching on her ears and opened her eyes to see two vines stroking behind her ears making her ears wiggle and got a little smile out of her. pinkie: hehe hey stop that. she said with a light giggle coming out after then two more came and start stroking left and right against her neck making her giggle even more. pinkie: hehehehe that tickles. hearing her giggles another pair of vines came to tickle her neck. pinkie: hehehehe stohohohohp ihihihit. the vines ignored her pleeding as two more came and tickled her pits making her laugh. pinkie: hahahahahahaha that tichchchchckles even mohohohohohore. one vine came and tickled her belly. pinkie: hahahahahahahaha stohohohohohohp. this then made the vines start tickling faster sending her into laughter. pinkie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHOHORE. four more came and start tickling her sides at the same speed the other vines are making her cry of laughter. pinkie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHOHOHRE PLEHEHEHEHEHHEHEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. six vines came down and start tickling her hind hooves making her scream of laughter while making wild head movements and crying of laughter even more. pinkie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOH NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOT MYHYHYHYHYHYHYHY HOHOHOHOHOHOHOVES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. the first two tickled the top bits of her hooves left and right rapidly while the other two tickled her soles up and down at speed and the last two tickled the bottom up and down. pinkie could only scream of helpless laughter and mover head left and right wildly with tears running down her cheeks. pinkie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI HAHAHAHAHAVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHD ENOHOHOHOHUGH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. the vines ignored her yet again as the continued tickling the pink party pony to bits after sometime the vines then stopped tickling and went away from their tickling spots but still remained in sight giving pinkie a breather. pinkie: huh huh huh thank you for stopping. two little vines came and to her surprise wipe her tears away from cheeks. pinkie: thanks for that. she said with a smile then the little vines start playing with her fluffy mane which got a giggle from pinkie. pinkie: hehe hey that's my mane its gonna be messy if you keep it up. the vines that were tickling her went to their tickling spots and start rubbing and gently squizzing her pink body and hooves. pinkie: ooh that feels nice I really needed that. she said while closing her eyes and smiling enjoying it. pinkies: hmmmmm. afterwards the vines stop and go away a bit not leaving. pinkie: thanks for all of that could you all put me back down now please?. suddenly a whole series of vines appeared surrounding her all over making pinkies eyes widen knowing that they weren't finished with her yet. pinkie: no i had enough now really i have you don't need to tickle me anymore. apparently for her the vines weren't convinced and they strucked all over her neck body and hooves making pinkie scream with loud laughter and shake her head more wildly then before and tear up immediately. pinkie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH NOHOHOHOHOHOT MOHOHOHOHOHOHORE STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHOP HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAVE MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERCY. the vines showed no mercy to the pink pony and only continued tickling her to tears. pinkie: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANT TAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAKE MUHUHUHUHUHUCH MOHOHOHOHOHORE. after 2 more minutes pinkie apparently passed out for the brutal tickling and the vines stopped and gently placed her on the ground where she layed for sometime before a pony found her and took her out of the forest. when she awoke she found herself in a bed but not her own she was in twilights room and to her luck twilight arrived. twilight: oh pinkie thank goodness your ok. pinkie: yeah I'm fine. twilight: what happened to you and why were you in the everfree forest? pinkie: well I was in the everfree forest because i decided to take a stroll down and all of a sudden I was grabbed by some sentient vines and they tickled me endlessly and well you know what happened then. twilight: what so your telling me that you were tickled by vines why you we went there a few times and we weren't tickled then did you go to a pacific spot? pinkie: now that you mentioned it I did see some type of weird flower. twilight: a flower what type was it? pinkie: I don't know I never seen anything like it before. twilight: would you mind showing me where you found it I think it might have something to do with what happened earlier today after you had some rest of course? she said before rubbing her left front hoof on pinkies head which made made her giggle. pinkie: hehehehe. twilight: hmhmhmh say would you like me to get any refreshments while your here? she asked before she left. pinkie: some hot coco would do thanks. twilight went to get pinkie her refreshments while pinkie just layed in the bed and thought about about the event that happened today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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