~Chapter One~

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It was chilly outside. The wind howled and screamed and the trees reached out for the stars only to be violently torn another direction by the angered wind. It was dark out. The stars shine brightly yet lifeless as they hung in the sky, puppets of the moon bringing the only beauty when darkness covered the earth in a blanket of sorrow.
The sorrow only grew inside the small White House, on the corner of baker street and a two story house with a barn with three horses in the huge back yard.
Only two people lived there, Mr.Knight a snake of a man and a wild beast of a father. There he lived with his daughter, Melody Fairchild Knight. If any living soul had a story this girl would have the best of one.
It didn't start with a kiss or a glance across a grand ballroom much like the stories Melody read. It started with an invisible boy. A boy no one could see, no one except for melody.
"You ridiculous boy what are you doing" melody's sweet laugh filled the warm air of spring. She was a young girl an adventurous independent girl with soft brown hair that fell in waves and bright green eyes like spring leaves.
"I'm playing pranks you want to help me" the black haired boy turned towards her his silver eyes sparkling as he smiled. "You are so ridiculous Blake" she said smiling as she nodded her agreement. "Okay, one two.." He smiled over at her. "Three" she yelled throwing the mud at the woman walking out of the door. It hit her dress and the one Blake had thrown hit the man in a suit near her. "Melody Fairchild Knight get over here this instant" the woman yelled at her. Melody let her happy expression drop. "But mom it wasn't all me I swear" she whined. "It was blamed idea we were just trying to have fun..." She was cut of by her mothers sharp expression and her unkind eyes staring into her own. "You are too old for imaginary friends melody we will see how this Blake will play with you if you won't be coming outside anytime soon" she snapped at her. Blake had a pained look on his face as he looked at melody "please don't leave me I have no one else" he seemed to cry. She whined to her mother "but I can't leave him he has no one but me" she whined. "Please don't make me leave him mom please" she said. Her mother grabbed her arm pulling her inside. "You young lady are grounded to your room and no friends allowed change your clothes and take a bath your going to bed hungry" she snapped. Melody watched as she was dragged away from her only friend the boy stood there almost crying "Please don't leave me" he said knowing she couldn't hear him. "I have no one else" he said in a whisper. Then all melody saw was a shut door blocking her only path to her only friend.

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