Black Beauty

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Brought to the court at only six, she was almost immediately called The Black Beauty.

The girl grew up with the prince, some say even helping him through the trauma caused by the death of his mother.

Queen Melarie Baratheon

The only daughter of Lord Orys Baratheon and former princess Argella Durrandon

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The only daughter of Lord Orys Baratheon and former princess Argella Durrandon.

The only daughter of Lord Orys Baratheon and former princess Argella Durrandon

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Wife of Aenys I and mother to his children.

Queen of all Westeros.

7 AC

The year in which was born the future King, son of King Aegon and Queen Rhaenys.

Lady Argella gave her husband a beautiful daughter, a sister to her two older boys.

The boy was small with watery eyes.

The girl was little but stronger than what it seemed.

The boy lost his mother when he was just three, causing him even worse health than what he had. His aunt was living on Dragonstone with his half-brother who he barely knew of.

The girl had the warmest love a family can give from her father, mother and brothers.

When the sad eyes of a little prince and the dark eyes of Melarie met, the light was shining out of King's Landing as far as Westeros goes.

At only six, the girl was brought to the court as a companion and friend to Aenys. Her beauty was recognised the moment she was shown.

Black Beauty

She earned the nickname from the friend she made at the court, which was liked by many, later becoming her known name.

The smallfolk had a liking to her, making her a good match for the future king.

The prince already didn't have a good reputation, considered weak and naive. A kind and good wife would be a good choice.

The best choice Aegon could pick for his son was his niece, Melarie Baratheon.

House Baratheon

- Orys Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, bastard son of Lord Aerion Targaryen

- Argella Durrandon, Lady of Storm's End, last Durrandon, the only child of Argilac the Arrogant

- Davos Baratheon, heir to Storm's End, first son of Orys Baratheon and Argella Durrandon

- Jelissa Errol, wife to Davos Baratheon, the mother to his sons

- Roger Baratheon, first son born to Davos Baratheon and Jelissa Errol

- Borys Baratheon, second son born to Davos Baratheon and Jelissa Errol

- Raymont Baratheon, second son of Orys Baratheon and Argella Durrandon

- Melarie Baratheon, only daughter of Orys Baratheon and Argella Durrandon

House Targaryen

- Aegon I Targaryen, King of Seven Kingdoms

- Visenya Targaryen, Queen of Seven Kingdoms, Sister-wife of Aegon I, mother of Prince Maegor

- Rhaenys Targaryen, Queen of Seven Kingdoms, Sister-wife of Aegon I, mother to Prince Aenys, died at Hellholt

- Aenys Targaryen, only son of Aegon I and Queen Rhaenys, Prince of Dragonstone

- Maegor Targaryen, only son of Aegon I and Queen Visenya

Beren Saat as Queen Melarie Baratheon
Tom Hiddleston as Aenys I Targaryen.

Warnings: cousin incest, childbirth, death, violence and other asoiaf warnings. All characters and gifs belong to their original creators.

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