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The heros woke up in what appeared to be a regular old movie theatre.  It was complete with the red loungers and giant screen.

Everyone had already bean seated when they first arrived after seeing a flash of bright white light. No one had any idea how they'd gotten there and the room already had the tense, scared feel to it.

"What's going on here?!" Peter's nervous sounding voice was the first to break the silence. He looked around the room and saw a ton of familiar faces looking equally as confused as he was.

"Welcome, everybody!" A loud voice rivaling Thor himself boomed from speakers high above their heads. "My name is Wolf and due to certain people breaking the multiverse, (*cough* Loki, Wanda, Peter, Strange *cough*), I've been forced to educate you fools on what's happening with your other selves."

No one quite knew what to say to that. Especially, the ones Wolf mentioned by name. They just kinda looked down at their feet, ashamed.

"So..." Wolf awkwardly drew out. "without further ado, let's start this off by having everyone introduce themselves!"

"Um, wow that's a lot to take in. Seeing as I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming right now, I might as well just go first! My name is Tony Stark, I'm just your average genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. And kid, if I happen to not be dreaming, you are so grounded when we get out of here! " Tony growled that last part to the teen sitting on his left.

Peter gasped when he realized who the man next to him was. He looked up sharply as Mr. Stark said his name. "Wait, how the hell do you know who I am?! And how are you even here right now?"

"Pete, what do you mean how am I here? I imagine it's the same as everyone else. Plus, I could never forget you." Tony tensed. Could he?

"Peter's saying this because you're dead in the future we come from." Dr. Strange supplied him with an answer. "And in our time, it's been a month since Peter and I cast a spell making everyone forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. In doing so, everybody forgot who Peter was. I imagine whatever is restricting me from doing my magic is the same thing that broke the spell I cast. That's why the people who knew him before the memory changes know him now"


"That's enough! We don't have time for this right now. I assure you, more on that will be explained later, but for now we need to finish introductions. Peter, you may go next." Wolf was not messing around today. There was simply way to much to go over and everything would be explained eventually. "If you could also state the year you're from, that'd be fantastic. Tony is from 2018. Just a few weeks before the Infinity Stones are used."

"Oh, uh, sure Ms Wolf." The boy still sounded shaky. Tony gripped Pete's shoulder and hoped to comfort him. It was obvious this wasn't the same happy go lucky Peter he'd been with yesterday while working on the kids suit. "Hey everyone. I'm Peter Parker, but I'm guessing most of you know me as Spider-Man. I'm from the year 2025."

"Holy shit!" Tony gasped. Why do you still look so young?!"

"It's a long story" Peter sighed. Not wanting to get into it.

"My name's James "Bucky" Barnes and I am no longer the Winter Soldier." Tony could be heard scoffing before Bucky continued. "I'm from the year 2024"

"I'm Sam Wilson and I recently picked up the title of Captain America. I'm from 2024 as well."

"Captain America?" Steve was the one to interrupt. "Did something happen to me?"

"One could say that" Sam replied quietly, not looking Steve in the eye.

Avengers and the Multiverseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن