Sammy: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Brooklynn: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?

Sammy: Mhm!

Yaz: I feel a bit bad for you.



Darius: Someone that fell from a train and has a pet dinosaur.

Yaz, desperately, as Darius bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE!

Darius: Oh, uh, red.


Darius: If me and Kenji were drowning, who would you save?

Yaz: You guys can't swim?

Darius: It's a hypothetical question! Who would you save?

Yaz: My time and energy.


Sammy: I made tea.

Darius: I don't want tea.

Sammy: It isn't for you.

Darius: Then why'd you say you made tea?

Sammy: It's a conversation starter.

Darius: That's a pretty bad conversation starter.

Sammy: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate.


Yaz: **taps table**

Brooklynn: **taps back**

Ben: What are they doing?

Sammy: Morse code.

Yaz: **aggressively taps table**

Brooklynn: **slams table** YOU TAKE THAT BACK-


Brooklynn: You use humor to deflect trauma.

Kenji: Thanks.

Brooklynn: That's not a good thing.

Kenji: What I heard, was you think I'm funny.


Kenji: I just found out the 'bad vibes' I feel are actually signs of severe psychological stress.


Ben: **kicks down the door, looking panicked**

Darius: What did you do?

Ben: Nobody died.



Kenji: Is stabbing someone illegal?

Ben: Depends if they've consented to it.

Yaz: Depends on who you're stabbing.

Brooklynn: YES?!?!?


Ben, holding a snake: Guys, I accidentally made a baby snake imprint on me. What do I name it?

Darius: You did WHAT?!

Yaz: William Snakespeare.


Sammy: Change is inedible.

Yaz: Don't you mean inevitable?

Sammy, spitting out a concerning amount of coins: No, I don't.


Sammy: Do you ever wanna talk about your emotions, Yaz?

Yaz: No.

Ben: I do!

Sammy: I know, Ben.

Ben: I'm sad!

Sammy: I know, Ben.


Darius: I kinda like this 'bad guy, good guy' thing you guys have going on.

Yaz: It isn't an act. It's just that I'm mean and Sammy isn't.


Darius: Violence isn't the answer.

Ben: You're right.

Ben: It's a question.

Darius: Wait-

Ben, bolting away: And the answer is yes.

Darius, running after him: NO-


Kenji: If you had to choose between Brooklynn and the amount of money in my pocket, which would you choose?

Yaz: That depends, how much money are we talking?

Brooklynn: Yaz!

Kenji: 63 cents.

Yaz: I'll take the money.

Brooklynn: YAZ!!


That's it for now!

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