Chapter 23: The Festive Christmas Special

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Ah. The festive season, when the weather turns colder and streetlights are on more often than not, when supermarkets start to advertise their 'best gifts' for Christmas and try to scam you out of your money, when you have to double up on the amount of layers you would usually wear and find last year's pair of gloves. But, most of all, the festive season is full of joy and--

"I'm not wearing that fucking hat, you dickhead!"

"Stop being difficult! It's a tradition, put it on, you gremlin!"

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! I'm not playing into your weird fantasies!"

" What?! It's - it's a fucking hat! Stop making it weirder than it has to be! Look, Tubbo and Ranboo are wearing theirs!"

"Yeah cause they are weak! I have a stronger and superior resolve. Look at Techno, he's not wearing one because he's a man."

"Your misogyny is showing you little prick. Just put it on, oh my god. "

"Don't use Philza's name in vain."


"You heard me."

"I- Just put on the fucking hat! Put on the hat. "

"Did you forget that I am invincible to your mind games? Ha!"

"I fucking hate you!"

Phil sighs as tunes them out. Ah yes, the festive season, so much joy and cheer, cooperation and unity. Surely.


Tommy crosses his arms, glaring angrily at the man, "I'm not playing into your weird obsession."

"It's- it's a fucking Christmas hat!" Wilbur protests, pulling at his own hair in frustration.

Yeah right. Does Wilbur think he's stupid?

"Uh huh, sure, and what's the point of these ' Christmas' hats?" He raises an eyebrow in disbelief.

Wilbur just squints at him, "It's a tradition. It's festive. It's cute, Phil and I do it every year. In fact, the whole headquarters does it."

"Philza does it?" Tommy frowns, disbelieving.

"Yes, the amazing Philza wears a Christmas hat," Wilbur rolls his eyes, "You're acting like you've never had Christmas with family before-- oh--"

"Shut the fuck up, you bald man," Tommy cuts him off before he can get any wrong ideas, "I-- I wasn't always an orphan y'know, I have done Christmas things before."

Wilbur is looking at him weird, all sympathetic and shit and it pisses Tommy off.

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