Jimmy wouldn't be fond of the way she is looking at me.

"I finally got a chance to see the photos you took of us. They're lovely. You've got a real talent." His voice rattled in the back of his throat, pushing its way through clenched teeth. "Oh, thank you! I didn't think it was my best work, but I tried." An earnest smile brushed her face.

"Well, I thought they were lovely. And you were very charming. Most photographers are in your face. Very mild approach. Much appreciated." He held up a thumb and closed one eye. She giggled at his silliness and mirrored his actions.

"I would love to have another shoot with you. I'm sure the guys agree. Hopefully, Jimmy would. But with him, you never know what you're going to get. A toss-up, that one." His words made her laugh once more. 

Jimmy's steps bounded down the stairs as he buttoned his shirt. "Love, I think they'll be here soon. Can you set out the t-" When he reached the bottom of the stairs he was met with Jonesy and Gwen looking at him. "I see you've already done it. I'll go get the rest of the food."

She trailed after him into the kitchen. "John said he liked the photos I took. He wants me to work for y'all again." Her smile was toothy and wide. "Well, that's great! I would love to work with you again." When the two returned to the living room they were met with Robert. He was sitting in a chair next to Jimmy's fireplace. His hands were crossed in his lap. 


"Jimmy told me you and Bonzo have a Pisces moon. I do as well!" A smile latched to her face as she spoke to the enchanting singer. "Well, isn't that lovely? Pagey keeps a certain type of company, doesn't he? She couldn't help but blush at his attention. Safe to say, Robert understood that women (and men) were eating from the palm of his hand. The second he got his hooks in you, you were done for.

"Do you enjoy a bit of poetry, then? I've heard us Pisceans are very...romantic." He gave a side smirk. "Yes, I do, actually. I like reading it more so than writing. I don't think I'm a very good writer."

"If you have anything you've written I would love to read it. I'm always in the mood for an enchanting song from a beautiful soul." His charm wavered slightly.

"I couldn't impose before rehearsal. But in the future, I will share some of my writing. I don't want to make Jimmy upset or foil any of his plans. You know how particular he can be." She leaned in, whispering the last bit.

"Oh, yes, I am quite aware of how moody he tends to be. That's the gentle artist in him, I suppose. We can all get that way from time to time." He was comforting. Friendly. Gwen didn't see his actions as inappropriate. It seemed natural for him to be whimsical and wonderful.

Jimmy didn't seem to mind either. He was less upset by Robert calling his woman a beautiful song than by John simply looking at her. But this was on account of Gwen's obvious intention. After rehearsal ended, the guys stuck around to enjoy each other's company. She shamelessly held a prolonged gaze and laughed at every word from John's mouth.

It began with an innocuous grabbing of his arm after a joke he told. But when she saw the look on Jimmy's face when she did this, an evil seed sprouted in her mind. She had been coming around to the game of cat-and-mouse Jimmy played with his feelings. And now she was starting a match. John didn't even need to participate for her actions to be loud and clear. Her care for his reaction was left behind. This game was only for Jimmy to be affected.

To John, it was nothing. It was cute. A bit of good old flirting never hurt anyone. He was surely a fan of the attention. She's a pretty girl. And he understood her reasoning. It became obvious after each time she touched him that she would look at Jimmy. Who, at this point, was seething in anger. Words didn't need to be expressed when John could see his eyes. Their intensity was raised tenfold. He shot daggers at the couple. His distance from Gwen was noticeable.

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