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"I went to the hotel to talk to him about everything, which I assumed would end in sex anyway, but we didn't even talk. He fucked me and kicked me out in this fucking outfit."

"That's how he copes," Danny said, shrugging it off, "but I'm sorry that happened to you."

"I don't really give a shit about his coping mechanisms. You don't fuck someone and then kick them out to walk the streets alone," Kenzie said, backing me up.

"You're right, you're right. I see it from both sides, though. He just broke up with the girl he was seeing and to be fair, you really hurt him, Bel," Danny said.

"I get that, but it was years ago and each time I've tried to talk to him about it, it ends in a fight," I sighed, taking the cocktail Josh was drinking for my own.

"Hey!" Josh whined. I leaned over, kissing him on the cheek,

"I'll pay you back, but I need this."

"No need to pay me back, just don't come near me until you shower. You smell like Sam and cum," I quite literally choked on my drink, punching him in the side.

"Bella!" A very drunk Lilli announced from behind me. I turned around to see her hanging off of the arms of Kacey and Jake, holding on for dear life.

"Hey babe, you ready to go?" I asked, not even wanting to know what she'd gotten herself into.

"Oh, absolutely. I'm very close to passing out," she laughed.

"Jake, what the fuck is she on?" I questioned, knowing this wasn't how she acted when she was drunk. 

Jake broke a smile, hardly able to remain composed.

"Uhhh, a lot of molly. Me too. We went partying!" he giggled like a little girl.

"Good god," I sighed, inhaling deeply as my patience wore thinner than it already was.

"I like your shirt," Jake said, laughing even harder than he was before. I crossed my arms, grabbing Lilli from under Jake.

"Jakey, baby boy, let's get you home," Josh mocked from the bar, standing up to support his brother out of the venue.

"Oh hi, Joshy. I missed you," Jake yawned.

"It's so obvious you're five minutes younger," Josh snarked, pulling his brother up to stand on his own. As Josh and Jake fought over their age, Lilli grabbed my hand and leaned her head onto my shoulder.

"I love him," she mumbled.

"I know, baby. We can hang out with them another night, but we've got to get you home, okay?" I responded.


The six of us left the venue and began making our way to my car. I let Lilli and Jake say their goodbyes as Kacey warmed up the car, both Lilli and I far too inebriated to drive.

"Sam said you guys are here for the next two months. Come over sometime?" I asked.

"Of course. We're on a tour break so all we're really doing is PR stuff, so we can pop by anytime. Just shoot us a text," Danny said, hugging me before he and Mac walked back to the hotel together.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened with Sam. That was really shitty of him," Josh said, rubbing my upper arms to keep me warm. I sighed, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arm around me, rubbing my back. 

"It's okay. I'm going to try to talk to him again when we're both sober and he isn't under any sort of stress, I think. I just wish he'd act like an adult."

"He missed you, Bella. He just sucks at communicating his feelings." 

I nodded, depending on Josh to hold me up for a moment as we watched Jake and Lili play fight in the back of her car.

Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat