"I still love you."

"I love you, too."

"Then why?"

"I need to sort some things out."

He nodded, biting his cheek as he did so. He walked over to the door and put his hand on the doorknob, turning his head back towards her as he did so.

"I'm sorry for everything I did. I wish I could take it all back, so I could be with you again."

She felt tears well up in her eyes as the door shut, leaving her alone to her thoughts.

Harry stepped out of the shower-a very cold shower-and wrapped the towel around his waist, struggling to keep his thoughts in check. He ran his hand over his head and gently rubbed it, still angry with himself that he allowed himself to go that far with Hermione.

He walked back into his bedroom and looked at his bed, and suddenly the entire night came rushing back to him.

The way she clutched at his back, her cries of 'Oh, Harry!', the look of lust her in eyes. He closed his eyes, and he could almost picture it.

'She seemed so mad this morning,' he thought, closing his eyes, 'and I made the stupid move of snogging her again.'

He still couldn't figure out what caused him to do that. He was simply going to ask her to stay so they could talk about what happened, then he looked into her eyes.

And he had kissed her.

'Idiot,' he thought, smacking his hand against his head. 'Why did I let this happen?'

'Because you love her.'

'She seemed so mad this morning. Is she mad at me?'

His thoughts moved through his head, never ending as he got dressed. He then went downstairs and saw his shirt, the two glasses and the bottle of firewhiskey sitting on his table. He grabbed the glasses and put them into his sink before grabbing the bottle of firewhiskey.

That's when he noticed it was empty.

'How much did we have?' he thought again. He shook his head and walked into the kitchen to throw it away.

"Harry?" a voice called through the hall.

Ron's voice.

"In here," he called, swallowing. Ron appeared in the kitchen. "This is way early for you. What's the matter?"

"Hermione broke up with me."

"Why?" he asked, his hand clutching the counter.

"I don't know," he said, pulling a chair out. "She broke up with me a few days ago. I went over there this morning and tried to get back together with her and she said no. She said that she had things to work through."

Harry dropped his head, feeling guilty for what happened between them. "I'm so sorry, mate."

"It's all my fault. I yelled at her. I was stressed from the mission, and I took it out on her. I know I screwed up. I just wish she would forgive me."

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