yassification of sam and em

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a/n HI this is something my friends wrote + me because i said i would write a story abt them LOL but they were the ones to write most of it They r awesome

also most part of this is in dutch LOL im not even gonna google translate it but some parts are left out in english 

It was a cold night. A Costco that was still surprisingly open until this time. And in that Costco, people got lost-o. Except for two people in that costco that refused to get lost-o. Em and Sam.

"Balls" the slightly shorter person exhaled.

"Big black fella balls" the slightly taller person inhaled.

A neon light peered from a corner at the end of an aisle. Two bulbous eyes peaked over the canopy of the shelving. In that moment, the slightly taller person saw their future flash before their eyes. They ignored it, at the end. It was just probably a toy that's broken. The light started to flicker like a candle. Green flames lit up the aisles. A voice pierced the dense atmosphere.

"That's what the point of the mask is"

The two people whipped their heads, hearing the unusual voice. They were positive they were the only people in the store. The voice continued,

"So you can see I'm tryin', you won't see me cryin'".

They still didn't know where the voice was coming from, saying that there's no one near them, hell, they were the only people in there.

Their eyes searched the dimly lit store, seeing an obnoxiously bright green light out of the corner in the aisle next to them. Brighter when they last saw it. The pair walked towards the light, the singing getting louder as they walked closer, and the light flickering more visible.

Het was een koude nacht. Een Costco die tot die tijd nog verrassend open was. En in die Costco raakten mensen verdwaald. Behalve twee mensen in die costco die weigerden te verdwalen. Em en Sam.

"Balls" ademde de iets kortere persoon uit.

"Grote zwarte jongensballen" inhaleerde de iets langere persoon.

Een neonlicht tuurde vanuit een hoek aan het einde van een gangpad. Twee bolle ogen keken uit over het bladerdak van de planken. Op dat moment zag de iets langere persoon hun toekomst voor hun ogen flitsen. Ze negeerden het uiteindelijk. Het was waarschijnlijk gewoon een stuk speelgoed dat kapot was. Het licht begon te flikkeren als een kaars. Groene vlammen verlichtten de gangpaden. Een stem doorboorde de dichte atmosfeer.

"Dat is het punt van het masker"

De twee mensen zwaaiden met hun hoofd bij het horen van de ongewone stem. Ze waren er zeker van dat ze de enige mensen in de winkel waren. De stem vervolgde,

"Dus je kunt zien dat ik het probeer, je zult me ​​niet zien huilen".

Ze wisten nog steeds niet waar de stem vandaan kwam, die zei dat er niemand bij hen in de buurt was, verdorie, zij waren de enige mensen daar.

Hun ogen zochten de slecht verlichte winkel af en zagen een onaangenaam felgroen licht uit de hoek in het gangpad naast hen. Helderder toen ze het voor het laatst zagen. Het paar liep naar het licht, het gezang werd luider naarmate ze dichterbij kwamen en het flikkerende licht was beter zichtbaar.

"I'll just keep on smilin', yeah I'm good,"

They were so close they could almost smell the frog-like swingy-chair. It's presence was welcoming, like a snorlax that just wanna cuddle with you. Two steps forward, one step back, they slowly crept closer to the ominous hue. After a few steps, they fully saw what was producing the voice, and they did not expect to see a froggy swing. The two gave a worried side-look to each other. It was bright green, and is definitely for kids. Two frogs on the front, and a little roof on top. It was cute, but they really didn't expect to see this. Was it too late in the night? To the point they might be just hearing stuff? No. They denied the fact, they clearly saw the obnoxious green light that's radiating off of it. And the singing? It's unbelievable, but they knew that they were not making stuff up. They both saw it. Clear and right in-front of them. The singing stopped. The froggy swing inhaled a shaky breath, like it was scared.

another story that my friends wrote <3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant