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A/N: This is completely self-serving, almost a self-insert. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless but really it's just for me 

After the events of June 1968, Robert Francis Kennedy wasn't sure he'd ever walk into the White House as President of the United States.

When he did in January 1969, greeted by cheering staff, family, and friends, it was all worth it. As the Kennedy clan sat around in the Oval Office, taking in the fact they were all back there, 6 years after John's death, there was a timid knock on the door.

"Come in" Bobby called, far too excited to actually be President to mind. When the door opened to reveal a beautiful woman, with silky brown hair and chocolate eyes, Bobby was surprised. He was half expecting it to be one of his security guards.

"Forgive me for interrupting, Mr President, but I wanted to make myself known to you, and to your family. My name is Bess Richardson, I'm here to run your personal affairs, manage your personal diary, and so on" The woman said, surprising everyone with a refined English accent, something incredibly unusual in Washington.

"No forgiveness needed, Miss Richardson, it's a pleasure to meet you," Bobby replied, walking over to shake her hand, "I'll let my family introduce themselves, there's too many for me to do it myself"

Bobby smiled as he watched Bess introduce herself, charming everyone. Bobby couldn't help but smile even wider when she leant down to shake John Jr and Caroline's hands.

As she left the office, Bobby struggled to concentrate on anything his family was saying. All he could think about was this beautiful woman who was going to be around, organising his life. For once, he couldn't wait.

Within a week of Bess being in his life, Bobby was better organised. He felt like, despite his public office and the scheduled rigidness of his professional life, that his personal life was being organised in a way that suited him, it was flexible enough for things to change but it was rigid enough for people to know not to ask for it to change unless it was absolutely necessary. Bobby couldn't have done it without Bess, who had introduced this, along with constant cups of tea, into his life. Within a week, Bess was part of his life, and Bobby was delighted.

When, a week into his Presidency, he found himself having dinner with his mother and two of his sisters, with his mother's favourite meal being served, he knew Bess was behind it. He was sure of it, nobody else would have been that considerate. When this trend continued every time a member of the Kennedy family came for dinner, Bobby knew he had to say something.

When, a few weeks later, Bobby was having dinner with Jackie, John Jr, and Caroline, there were different dinners for the children, who both got their favourites, Bobby realised he was in love with Bess. He was absolutely, completely, irrevocably in love with her. Not that he'd do anything about it, of course. He couldn't. He'd look daft, in love with a pretty young woman on his staff. He didn't want to look like that sort of man, but he knew he loved her.

Bess, of course, was head over heels in love with Bobby. She had been from the moment she'd met him. Anyone could see it, except Bobby of course. Bess was surprised, one afternoon, when Eunice Kennedy turned up at her office.

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