Houki thinks as she reflected more...

Houki:" I just want him to recognize me... Maybe Charlotte is right.. Maybe I'm the real coward here..."

Cecilia rushes out of the room...

Cecilia:" How could this happen to a highly respected person like me!!!"

Cecilia:" He disrepected my REPUTATION, my LOVE, my ADMIRATION to him..."

Cecilia:" How boring is this guy, as for Charlotte she's a traitor..."

Laura stays in the room as she told Chifuyu..

Laura:" I respectfully accept your decision and Ichika, I apologize for my action. If that's what you want I will no longer recognize you as my wife... But I want to thank you with the bottom of my heart. You inspired me same as what Orimura sensei did years ago... I will stay here in the room and will not make a scene like the others. "

Ichika nods as Charlotte is glad that her bestfriend saw it their way...

Laura:" One more thing Ichika and Charlotte. " She kneels. :" I never kneeled to anyone as this is my sincerest apology. "

Ichika and Charlotte told her to get up..

Charlotte:" I'm happy that you see it our way Laura." she gave her bestfriend a huge hug...

Ichika and Chifuyu approaches Laura...

Ichika gave her a headpat:" Thank you for noticing as you are more mature than the others..."

Laura blushed even though she never intended to, but Ichika now being real to her as she saw the non dense Ichika, instead the man who accepted her before for who she was... Despite of her being assertive like the others, he never harmed her, He only thought of their safety...

Laura for the first time tears up... As Charlotte did too with the two bestfriends and the other girls cried in the classroom seeing a memorable scene as the other girls tried to approach Ichika as all of them also bowed.....

Girls in the classroom:" Sorry for making things difficult for you Orimura-kun. Please accept us as your classmates..."

Ichika gave them a thumbs up as he said:" Thank you guys despite of all the chases you never really harmed me unlike them... But you know we can build up a great classmate relationship, what do you say.... As when he said that a lot of girls were also waiting outside knocking also... As Chifuyu opened the door, the girls apologizes to Ichika those who made his life miserable...

But there's a girl who didn't move, who didn't left the classroom... As she smirks:" Ichika, you weakling..."

Lin:" Ichika, you dumbass!"

Lin:" Ichika, you pervert!"

Lin:" Charlotte you traitor!"

Lin:" What a bunch of pussies!"

She punches the wall with her IS suit on, as anger sorrounds her....

Lin:" How dare you embrass me... How dare you! "

As she now uses her IS uniform... With the uniform seemingly at the same time malfunctioning due to the stresses in her mind....

She passes out from her anger... The other students brings her to the infirmary... As they asked Chifuyu for the permission but she mentioned she never harmed Ichika yet as of now as the students rushes to the infirmary...

Maya:" What now Orimura sensei.."

Chifuyu:" I'll make sure that the rule stays... I won't tolerate this type of immaturity or abuses anymore in this campus."

Charlotte:" I'm sorry Ichika I---."

Ichika:" It's okay... Thank you."

Laura:" Thank you, Orimura for forgiving me... "

Ichika:" Laura don't be so formal... You can still call me Ichika, also thank you for seeing it in our way... "

Laura:" But I did you wrong, I did Charlotte wrong.. "

Ichika:" What I really wanted, what we both wanted is for all of you to see.. Is that I'm not a toy, I'm a person, not a punching bag... "

Tatenashi:" Hey Ichika what happened..... Ohhh so you did it eh?"

Charlotte:" Yes... I actually. "

Tatenashi:" Started it... This chaos, no worries Charlotte. You did the right thing. "

The bell rings

Maya:" Well class dismissed... "

Chufuyu:" Talk about your strategy as they will strike back... Hey Tatenashi protect my brother at all costs... Ichika take care, little bro. "

Ichika was delighted that Chifuyu called him bro.

Charlotte:" Ichika... How about us? "

Ichika:"... Ahhh yeah lets announce it on a later date.. "

Laura and Tatenashi :" EHHHHHHHHH!!! WHAAAAAAT! "

Charlotte blushes... :" Ehehehe... "

Ichika tells the two:" - - - - - - -"

What did Ichika say read it out in the next chapter

This story is created by  Mikeratto

Ichika's Realization (Infinite Stratos)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें