Start from the beginning

She looked Margaret up and down, "You're not my Margaret. No offense to you, you're gorgeous and all — bisexual awaking much —, but, MJ is white and blonde. Iverson, enable."

"No need for-"


"Oh god." Margaret muttered to herself. "Okay, let me speak. My name is Margaret June Thompson. I am 26, and I am not from your earth."

The woman's mouth went agape as she stared at Margaret blankly. A flash of thought echoed through Toni's eyes. Before either could blink, Tony had kicked a part of her wall. As if it was a puzzle, the wall moved itself, allowing a gun to silently fall into her hand. "I"ll ask again," she asked with the gun raised in Margaret's direction, "Who the hell are you?"

Margaret shook her head frantically, "I would rather you not shoot me."

"I would rather shoot you than you kill me."

She sighed, gathering her abilities beneath her feet and teleporting behind Toni. The woman could barley register what was happening before Margaret had taken the gun from her hands. "This is going to go far away for now." Margaret told her, teleporting the gun into a small black hole.

Toni tightened her eyes to Margaret's figure. "You just teleported."

"I told you I was Halo! Can you let me explain?" She asked desperately.

The brunette woman infront of her nodded slowly. "Sure, just- uh, don't kill me because that was my last gun."

"I don't believe that for a moment."

Toni looked crestfallen for the slightest moment that Margaret hadn't fallen into her trap. Being at the upmost highest intellect, she found it quite easy to just trick those of lower intelligence. In fact, she had done it to the President in 2017 — and, he fell right for her silly trap. "Okay I lied." She admitted.

Margaret smirked to herself. She couldn't deny she liked Toni — despite the woman literally trying to kill Margaret where she stood. There was the smallest thing about her that reminded her of the lover she held many years ago.

Deciding to speak up, Margaret began to explain her situation. "Okay so basically I'm not your Margaret because I'm from another earth. I'm from a world where I am still Halo only in that world there are other hero's other than Spider-Man and myself — they're called the avengers but that's irrelevant. There was this thing where an alien from space snapped half of the world away and then I was really sad but five years later everyone is back mostly curtsy to muah, and then people died including a really rich dude who I had gotten really close with and I was really sad again but I'm a doctor so i can't really be sad, ya' know?"

I just kinda was beginning to feel better and everything about a month ago and yesterday three Spider-Man's went to my door and told me they were from the multiverse. One of them was one from my world and I already knew him, one was a youth-pastor -lookin' dude from another, and finally the Spider-Man from this earth who was weirdly attractive. There was this big fight where I fought the lizard man and then a wizard from my world made this spell and now I'm here and i don't know you but you know me but just not me.." She spoke quickly.

Toni's eyes were widened as she stared at Margaret. "You're joking?!"

"Why would I joke about this? The likelihood of you seeing me before is extremely low considering you've never even met me before." Margaret reasoned. "I know I've never seen- what's your name?"

The woman infront of her hesitated for a moment. She was still curious as to if she could trust the woman infront of her. 'Margaret' — not MJ like how her Margaret liked to be referred to as — already knew her address and personal phone number. What more was a full name? "Antonia Ella Stark."

If Margaret had been drinking something in that moment, she was sure it would've escaped through her nose. "Stark?"


Even as the words left her mouth, Margaret was in shock. Though, it did make plenty of sense someone so rich — clearly — and smart would be a stark. Even in another world Tony haunted her.

"But you go by Toni. Your name is Toni Stark." She didn't ask. It was a statement. Her name was Toni Stark. T̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶T̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶r̶k̶ T̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶r̶k̶ T̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶T̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶S̶t̶a̶r̶k̶.

The woman grinned widely, "Yes! Kinda like how my Margaret went by MJ. Is that name important in the multiverse? God, I always knew I was a worldwide sensation! My father had the audacity to say Stark Industries would plummet in my hands — I mean it kinda did but that's irrelevant."

"The rich man who died on my earth was named Tony Stark. I never really was in touch with the dead despite being a half Angel or whatever but, he's stopped in my mind a few times to speak with me before." Margaret admitted sheepishly. She hoped Toni didn't think she was crazy L̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶R̶i̶l̶e̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶.

Toni breathed out slowly, sitting on her couch. "I can't believe the multiverse is real. I mean I had theories, everyone did. But, for it to simply be true. Damn, I'm gonna need a drink after this. Do you need a drink MJ- Margaret?"

"Oh my god that would be amazing." She sighed out contently. "If it makes you mor comfortable, you can call me MJ. I don't mind."

"Not an MJ on your earth then?"

"Oh no there is." She laughed slightly. "But, she wouldn't mind much. Uh- I should probably explain how I got here better. Is there anything else you want me to prove?"

Toni smirked as she stood up, "Not a single thing. Man, I'm just happy you're hot. Was Tony Stark hot?"

Margaret held back a loud snort at the woman's question. "I can legally not speak on that. But is reputation the best Era? — Oh my god is Taylor Swift on this earth-"


"Is one direction?"

"One what now?"

"Oh we have a lot to go over, Toni." Margaret blew a raspberry, extending her arm for the woman. "Ever teleported?"


"Oh you'll hate it."

"Good to know.


GUYS GUYS I HAD THE BEAT IDEA FOR THIS BOOK AND IT REFLECTS HERE. Anyway, Toni and Margaret's relationship may seem rushed and or forced but TRUST me when I say it's just because Toni loves her MJ and Toni reminds Margaret of Riley and Tony so she's just like ooo

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