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SONG JUNHEE sighed, discarding the poster Yoon Jiwoo had made, the one Choi Mujin had taken during his cigarette run hours before as both of them watched Mister Hwang beating the shit out of Jiwoo's kidnappers. It was three of them, and none of these incompetent putz could even land their punches on the well-trained Dongcheon man.

It was a crisp night. The soft gentle of night breeze meandered against their faces, Junhee's immaculate jet-black waves swayed gracefully with the quicksilver wind, sending ticklish sensation on her pink cheeks and neck like feather being trailed on her porcelain skin. Her hands were buried in her khaki double breasted trench coat pockets, keeping the hands that ended many lives to stay warmer.

Puffs of smoke slipped past Mujin's lips and nostrils like a chimney, his lips metamorphosed into a satisfying smirk at the sensation of newly purchased nicotine coursing through his system. The cancer stick was his best company, his inspiration, and his solace. The drug lord was in his basic designer gear—black suit with white dress shirt underneath—and Dongcheon signet ring around his right pinky finger, completing both look as CEO of Liber Hotel and Dongcheon sachem.

"You changed your mind. May I know why?" Junhee asked, treading carefully as she watched the brawl in front of her—one kidnapper was already double over on the wet asphalt. The question had been tugging at her mind since the pursuit of these assholes, and curiosity was the one thing she could not resist. Hence, the question.

"You said it yourself. She has potential." Mujin replied as he took a drag of his cigar, whiff of smoke transfigured into malformed shapes before the zephyr blew it all away into thin air. He then glanced at the woman beside her, their brown medallions clashed, "She is driven mad with grief and rage—something you once felt and experienced."

He was right. If there were any similarities between her and Jiwoo, both were driven mad with grief, regardless what kind of person they once were. None of them asked for this to happen to them. All they ever wanted was a home and a family, but both were snatched mercilessly before their time from them. Junhee knew what Jiwoo felt the night she asked for Mujin's help although the girl's rational brain knew it was risky—yet she gave it a try. Blinded by desperation, Jiwoo's feeling during that moment was too intense to even acknowledge that. Grief was, indeed, an overwhelming emotion and it shaped us all in different ways.

"Besides, you're my valuable asset, Jun." Mujin added, pulling the smoke deep into his lungs as he crushed the butt beneath his heel. Her words—if anything bound to happen to me again—from the other night floated through his mind like epigrams, whispering, keeping him awake. The chamomile tea Junhee gave him certainly did not work, the taste was terrible but he drank it nonetheless. "It's a pity to lose someone like you—"

He paused abruptly, wrestling with his ego. Junhee did not say anything. She waited for him to go on, sensing there was more to that. You're important to me. Mujin wanted to say that but he did not, leaving Junhee at that as Mister Hwang finished whacking these punks, sauntering leisurely towards the car holding Jiwoo captive with his faithful assistant trotting behind him. The moans and groans of these kidnappers wafted in the chill air alongside the sloshing of the waves hitting the shoreline structures.

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