Chapter two Remus "Moony" Lupin

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Sirius pounds on Lupin's door loudly hoping it will wake him. Few seconds later footsteps could be heard from the door.

"Who's there?" Asked a voice from the other side of the door.

"Moony it is me Padfoot please open the door it's about Pongs."

The door immediately opened. Remus looks at Sirius holding Harry.

"Sirius why do you have Harry?"

"Can I come in I will explain everything let's just get baby Pongs inside out of the cold he has had a long night." Said Sirius with more tears coming down his face.

Lupin stepped to the side letting Sirius in. Remus shows Sirius to the sitting room.

"Moony they both dead Voldemort found them killed them both Dumbledore went to go check on them he found the house in ruins and called me."

"How did Voldemort find them?"

"Dumbledore and myself believes Peter might have told someone. Dumbledore just headed for the ministry of magic he going to see if they will send Alastor to find Peter and find out what really happened."

"No, we will find Peter and if he did sell them out to Voldemort, we will make him pay."

"Remus that was my first thought to, I wanted to find Peter and make him pay but Dumbledore is right Harry needs us here with him right now and James wouldn't have wanted us to do anything stupid tomorrow I need you to watch Harry for me. There is something I think Lily would have wanted me to do."

"What's that?"

"Someone should tell Lily's sister about Lily's death she is a muggle so won't see the death in the paper or anything. Tomorrow I'm going to go to Private Drive to tell Petunia what happen even though I'm sure she won't care she is still Lily's sister."

"I agree Sirius someone should tell Petunia what has happened but should you really go alone maybe you should see if Dumbledore will go with you."

Someone knocks on Remus's door. Sirius and Remus both draw their wands and head to the door.

"Who is it?" Asked Remus without opening the door.

"Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall."

"Tell me only something Dumbledore would know?"

"We are all part of a secret group called order of phoenix I started it. I have news about the Longbottom's they are also part of the order. I also know Sirius is Harry's god father and Peter Pettigrew was James and Lily's secret keeper I also know Remus you are a werewolf."

Remus opens the door welcoming in Dumbledore and McGonagall. Sirius and Remus both place their wands back in their pockets.

"Glad you're here Dumbledore I was just about to send you a message tomorrow I want to go to Private Drive to tell Petunia what has happened to Lily. I was wondering if you were able to come with me."

Dumbledore shakes his head looking bothered by something. McGonagall had tears in her eyes.

"I won't be able to I will be searching for the rest of the order members to check on them and make sure they are okay. That's why I'm here the Longbottom's are in the hospital death eaters use the crucio curse on them they not well I don't know if they will ever recover. Their son is safe he is with his grandmother. Also, Alastor found Peter, he admitted to telling Voldemort where the Potter's were. He tried to escape killed a bunch of muggles but Alastor caught him he is on his way to Azkaban and will be there for the rest of his life."

Sirius and Remus both start to cry.

"Sirius if you want to go to Private Drive tomorrow, I will meet you there at nine in the morning dress in muggle clothing so we don't look out of place." Said McGonagall.

Dumbledore and McGonagall left. Remus and Sirius went back into the sitting room to find Harry asleep on the floor. When Sirius looked at him, he first notices the lightning shape scar on his forehead.

"Remus, can we stay here tonight I don't want to be alone right now."

"I don't want to be alone either, you and Harry are welcome to stay here whenever you need to or want to."

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