Chapter 1 : The Performance

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Jieun POV

" Hee ah! Myung Hee!", I shouted.

Today is our big day....we were participating in a cover dance competitionin Korea High Arts School. We had the dance teachers as our judges.

Myung Hee and me have been great friends since young. We like the same things usually but one thing many people can't stand from us is our fangirling xD . We are HARDCORE fans of EXO, B.A.P, BTS and 2NE1.

"Myung Hee-ya! palli!! haiss chincha!!", I shouted frustrated. We were up next on stage and she was still dressing up.

"Ne!! Dont keep shouting!"

She finally got dressed and we decided to use our time left for a last practice. We were dancing to 'MYNAME- Too very so MUCH' today. We had our own group name as 'JM17' to start with. We were only practicing halfway when our name were called.

"Now we have JM17 to show up their performance, GIVE THEM A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!", the announcer said with excitement.

We ran up the stage together with our back dancers following us behind. We gave each other a 'All the best' look before we took our positions on stage.

* Finishes Performing*

"WOW! Dabaek! that was a satisfaction!", Myung Hee said with pride.

"Hahahah Ne!! ^^ ", I agreed as I laughed.

We headed backstage to grab our bags and get ourselves changed and then headed to the Performers' seats. More covers like 'EXO - Wolf', 'BTS - Danger', 'INFINITE - Back' and many more were being performed. It felt like everything was over in a blink of an eye and soon, it was time for the result and winner to be announced.

"And now the judges have decided the winner", the announcer said as he took the result from the judges' table.

"The winner is *Drum roll plays*.......JM17!!"

Myung Hee and I hugged each other joyfully before we ran up the stage to grab our prizes. The announcer then handed me the microphone.

"Kamsahamnida!! It's a pleasure to have this position. We are really grateful and hope to put up better stages in the following competitions ^^"

I looked at Myung Hee and we shared each other a 'Good Job' smile before we walked our way back down the stage.

*After Dismissal*

"Jieun!! palli!! we have to go home fast to catch the new episode of 'Family Vacation'!!!", Myung Hee shouted as she called out to me. I followed right behind without complaining. I don't mind her being obsessed with that drama but the problem was she don't even let me delay by a minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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The Truth May Hurt But Not Always (B.A.P , EXO , BTS , 2NE1)Where stories live. Discover now