Chapter 1: An Embarrassing Problem

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Harry had Ginny perched on the edge of a sink in the prefects' bath with her legs wrapped around him as he slammed his rigid cock into her at a rapid pace. Ginny had already come twice and was trembling as she mewled his name and desperately clutched the edge of the sink, trying to hold on as Harry relentlessly sought his final release. He had already emptied himself in her once and the evidence was still seeping out with each new stroke. She knew she would be sore for days, but Harry had been so tense and she knew he needed this. She loved him so much. She tightened her legs around him as he picked her up and adjusted his angle. That sent her screaming into another orgasm. Just when she didn't think she could take anymore, he cried out her name. As the sound of his screams echoed off the tile, she felt his hot seed eject into her once again as he pushed as deep as he could into her. She trembled with one more small orgasm and then Harry seemed to be finally spent as she felt him start to soften. She looked at his face and saw the tension had released as she quietly thanked the gods and tried to find the strength to stand. Harry gently led her to the swimming pool sized bath and helped lower her in. The hot water felt delicious on her tired body and she wondered how long she would have to recover before Harry wanted her again. Not that he would ever force himself on her, but she loved him too much to deny him what he needed. Two days ago they had made love late into the night and he had wanted to go again as soon as they woke up, but she had desisted. He had retreated to the bathroom in the prefects' wing and she found him in the shower wanking himself furiously, trying for relief. She had immediately joined him and sucked him off to give him the relief he needed. He had now held off for two days and she was just about recovered from their last round, when he had found her in the prefects' bath. He had just returned from Quidditch practice and was looking so sweaty and gorgeous she had readily given herself to him. Now she wondered how long she would need to recover from the last hour of intense love making. As she sank into the water, she thought back on their relationship.

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry had immediately come to Ginny and they had talked for several hours and reconciled. They both still loved each other and she had understood his flawed reasoning for separating from her. He had made a point in those weeks following the battle of wooing and courting her. They went out on dates several times a week and spent any free moments they could together. She had been ready to give him her virginity in the first week, but he had insisted that she was still underage and he was determined to wait until she was seventeen. Five weeks after the battle he had finally cleaned up Grimmauld Place and moved out of the Burrow. His first night in the house, Ginny had come to visit and she had been determined to not wait any longer. Harry had been denying himself for too long and, when she walked out of his bathroom naked, he could no longer resist her. She hadn't gone home for two days after that, which had caused a furor with her mother, but she had put an end to her mother's anger by promising to leave when she came of age and never return if Molly Weasley didn't desist. She was only a couple months shy of her birthday and her mother had given in. Since then, she and Harry had spent countless hours exploring different ways to pleasure each other. By the time she reached her seventeenth birthday, they were firmly committed to each other and he had proposed with her parents' blessing. The plan was to finish their last year of school and then marry the following summer.

As the summer before that last year of school progressed, she had noticed something strange and had attributed it to her inexperience, but now she wondered. It was now the fourth week of school and the problem seemed to be getting worse. She and Harry were each other's firsts, so she had no comparison, but it seemed that Harry's appetite was increasing. She adored making love with Harry, but she had her limits. Recently she felt like she was letting him down and a small part of her wondered if she may lose him. She knew he loved her, but men had needs.

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