Chapter 1 , The car

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This is from like the narrator if he was living with james' family pov kinda so have whatever this is :)

"James Jones , hurry up , were going to be late!" James' mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs , waiting for her eldest son "Okay , I'm coming , just give me a sec!" James rolled his eyes and shoved his sketch books and computer into his backpack , flung it on his back and practically jumped down the flight of stairs. "No running in the house!" "You told me to hurry up-" "no excuses , now hurry and put your shoes on , we'll be in the car."James sighed and wedged his converses on his strangely small feet , and hopped out the door locking it behind him. As he got to the car he growled in frustration and flung the front passengers seat door open "can you get out of my seat please Emma?" Emma shook her head and giggled a bit , Emma was James' younger sister , and for an six year old she was extremely quiet , alot like her brother , when he's not being yelled at by his mother of course. James finally gave up with sitting in the front and lunged himself into the back seat with a few of the moving boxes and the three of their suitcases.

"Are we nearly there yet mummy?" Emma's quiet voice somehow overpowering the radio that was playing in the background "not yet sweetheart " Emma nodded her head , playing with the seatbelt , looking out of the window , seeing all the colours and different cars. "Can I look at your drawings again JJ?" James looked up from his gazing at the floor . He always loved the nickname that his sister called him , but if it came from anyone else , James would visually cringe and correct the person "yeah , just be careful remember" "she's always careful , and don't tell her what to do , your not her parent." Their mother stated blankly. As James handed over his sketch book , his mother 'accidentally' sped over a speed bump , causing Emma to drop the book onto the damp floor , from where it's been in the old garage. "Emma , do you think you could reach it and let me see if any of the paper is damaged please ?" "Sorry JJ , I tried not to , but it was really bumpy" I nodded my head , offering her a comforting smile as she leant down , struggling at first before successfully picking the book up and handing it back to james. He inspected it carefully , but already seeing a bunch of damp , crushed and folded over paper. Not wanting Emma to get sad from damaging her brothers favourite possession James simply said "how about you start you own sketch book Ems?" He could already tell that she was exited , so James pulled out some of his old sketching equipment and handed it over and pulled out the mini sketch book he remembered to bring , knowing that Emma would get bored in the car eventually , and passed that over to her aswell.

An hour passed and they had came to a stop , outside of a house that looked quite big for the small family they had , but James wasn't complaining , because everyone would have a room (meaning he didn't have to share with Emma ) and a spare bedroom , that would probably remain untouched , and left alone to collect dust.

Their new house was on a estate filled with other houses that looked exactly alike theirs but within a few groups of the houses , they had either two or three houses pushed together. The Jones family being one of those houses , and next to it was their new neighbors house. Yay new people!

The boy nextdoorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon