"No no no... this doesn't feel right... I'm going out to look for Felix." Said Changbin.

"Yeah please... i would've did it before it gets darker but I couldn't leave Hyunjin he didn't ate anything all day."

"Ok I'm going." Says Changbin.


"Listen Hyunjin... you didn't ate anything all day... fuck that you're all day in your room it's in your own reasons. But please just eat anything please..."

"Chan i told you I'm not hungry... and I told you to leave me alone too I think..."
Says Hyunjin in a disappointed voice.

"Look Hyunjin... this isn't right... you something's gonna happened to you if you don't eat something... please..."

"I'm eating my nerves, mistakes and  I'm already full."said Hyunjin.

"W-what?" Asked Chan.

"Chan leave." Said Hyunjin.

Chan sighed again and starting rolling all over the house to think what he's gonna do.


Changbin was 30 minutes outside looking for Felix.
He was deeply sleeping in the sand and now nothing can make him sad.


"D-did you found him?" Asked Chan Changbin.

"N-no... but he could be everywhere...I'm only 30 minutes outside... I will find him don't worry everything is gonna be ok."...

Chan sits on the couch and started worrying and stressing.

"Don't worry Chan everything is gonna be ok... Changbin will find Felix..." said Jisung.

"Ok... Jisung but Hyunjin... he didn't ate all day..."

"Oh my god this dude..." says Jisung while making his way to go to Hyunjin's room.

"Wait Jisung... Don't go...he's mad..."


"I don't know I said "please Hyunjin eat anything..." and he said " I'm eating my nerves and mistakes..." ".

"What the fuck happened to them... they were literally fucking last night and they were hugging now what?"


"H-hey I probably know what happened..." said Minho.

"Felix was drunk last night right?... but like... what if he didn't knew what he's really saying and Hyunjin fucked him and Felix wakes up and sees Hyunjin next to him?... what if he got mad and got out for all day and Hyunjin is in his room all day?"

"Probably Minho but... how could he remember what happened last night when he was drunk... he may don't remember that they had sex... what if he sees him next to him in the morning we are all members... it's nothing..." said Chan.

"W-wait... saw Felix's legs in the morning?... he couldn't walk well... maybe Hyunjin... did this to him... and he lied that slept wrong..." said Jisung.

"Y-yeah... maybe..." said Chan...


*1 hour later...*

"Chan... I've been looking everywhere.... I couldn't find him... I have no idea where he could be..."

"F-fuck... alright thanks Changbin... I'm g-getting out too Minho and Jisung will be here with Hyunjin..."

"Ok. Hope you find him." Says Changbin.

"Yeah... praying." Says Chan.

Chan gets outside to look for Felix.

"Y'all go to Hyunjin... start talking to him maybe he would open..." said Chan.

"Ok... just don't worry every is gonna be ok." Said Jisung.


"H-hyunjin it's me Jisung. Look... you can share to me what happened. Please just get out we're so worried about you."


"Heeey... didn't y'all heard me? Leave me fucking alone." Said hyunjin with deep ass voice.


"FEEEEEEELIX" yelled Chan. But Felix was far away from him.

Chan was so worried.

He called and called Felix put he doesn't pick up.

"G-God what do I do?"

"... think Chan, think Chan."

Felix opened his eyes and sees the sky...
He realises that he slept there for long hours he wanted to sleep there all night but it was getting cold and it was not a place to sleep in.

"I'm going in Changbin." Felix says cause he doesn't wants to go home.


*door bell*

"H-hey Changbin c-can I sleep in your house tonight?"

"FELIX THANK GOOOOD... OH MY GOOOD..." Changbin hugged Felix.


Felix was confused.

Said thankful Changbin.

"G-get in."

"W-why are you so thankful?" Asks Felix.

"Chan and I were looking for you in hours... you were not home all day... Chan said that usually you don't do this and... I'm thankful you've come."


"C-CHAN d-don't worry Felix is in my house... he will sleep tonight here."


"Chan wanna here your voice..."

" I'm here." Said Felix in deep voice.

"O-Ok... I know now t-thank you."


"Alright then... I'm getting back home... I don't really know what I'm gonna do with Hyunjin but... I'm glad that Felix is ok..."

"It's gonna be ok Chan... don't worry... bye for now." Said Changbin.

"Alright thanks bye." said Chan.

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