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I landed on my butt. Camilo ran to my side and got down on his knees 

"y/n! Are you okay?" I was a bit shaken up but other than that I was okay. 

"Oh! So the only reason you wanted to come here is to see your boyfriend?" Camilo's eyes filled with rage. Camilo pointed a finger in my dad's face. 

"We just met" my dad looked at me and then Camilo "I didn't ask" my dad bent down and grabbed onto my arm. Camilo shapeshifted into my dad and pushed him away from me

 "stay away from her"

"I can do whatever i want"

"No. no you can't"

"Stay out of this kid!"

"No! You are acting like a child" Camilo shapeshifted into a young child. My dad swiped at Camilo but he dodged it.

"You think your so big and mighty" Camilo shapeshifted into a big handsome man

"But really you're just a scared child" Camilo shapeshifted into a child

"So, you take it out on your daughter" Camilo shapeshifted me this time. My dad pushed Camilo back but he kept his balance. Camilo then shapeshifted into the biggest man in the room and pushed my dad out of the room. Camilo turned back into himself and bent down to my level. "Are you okay y/n?" tears were filling my eyes. My dads gonna kill me. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I felt like I was going to throw up from the shock. Everyone was looking at me. I stood up and ran out of the house. Once the outside air hit my face I calmed down. I went around the side of the house and slid down, crying. Where was I supposed to sleep now? I basically had no home. My dad probably didn't want anything to do with me. I reached into my dress pocket and pulled out my phone. Great, now my phone is broken too. I threw it across the lawn and cried into my hands. 

"I think you dropped something," a sweet voice said beside me. It was camilo. He went over to my phone and picked it up. 

"I think your the only person that has a phone here" i wiped my tears with the back of my hand "yeah, i used to live in the city" 

"well its not broken just a little crack" Camilo said to me handing back my phone. I took it and stood up. I turned to the wall and threw it as hard as I could. 

"Well it might be broken for good now," Camilo stated. I dropped onto my knees again. Camilo walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I leaned into his comfort and wrapped my arms around his waist. We stayed silent just like that. Eventually shock, adrenaline and emotional exhaustion took over and I fell asleep.

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