Prologue: The Snow Leopard Awakes

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The Sika deer. Also known as the spotted deer or the Japanese deer, is a species of deer native to much of East Asia and introduced to other parts of the world. It mostly inhabited temperate and subtropical forests, very rarely staying around for winter, but this deer seemingly felt ballsy.

The ground was covered in about 6 inches of pure white snow; winter had arrived. The Sika deer had stayed behind for winter, grazing in the little patches of grass that were left. It quietly grazed the still fresh patch of grass, until it quickly perked up its ears and stared off into an unknown direction. It stared into that direction not noticing the dark figure emerging from the snow behind it.


"Gotcha!" The teen covered in snow yelled after grabbing the deer.

The deer called out for help as it was wrestled to the ground only to get no response. The teen pulled a shiny, sharp knife out of his pocket and plunged the blade into the creature's neck. Blood spilled out of the deer's neck, providing the only warmth in that land to the boy's face. The creature gave out one final cry before finally succumbing to the assault and falling into the snow turning the ground below it red.

"Not as fun as boars, but still got dinner!" The teen said whipping the blood off his face and knife.

The teen hoisted the deer over his shoulder and started trekking through the snow; following the tracks he left before to find his way home.

Perhaps introductions are in order, no?

Meet Sentōki Yōchina (Sen-tOki Yo-Chee-na) or Yōchina Sentōki for non-Japanese viewers. A 13-year-old boy living in a humble cabin with nobody but his adopted father. Standing roughly 5'5 (165 cm) in height, decent body, with unnatural light yellow eyes, and brown hair with green tips on the edges. His unusually soft face usually wore a giant smile that could be unnerving at times

It should also be noted what he meant by "not as fun as boars" bit too. Yōchina's favorite thing in the world was fighting. He'd fight any opponent whether they be human, young and old, or animals. Most people would call him a sadist, but that would mean he would find sexual pleasure right? And he didn't find any sexual pleasure, he only found it fun as hell. While that does sound sadistic and maybe those insults are correct, but then again... who's gonna tell him off?

Timeskip of Yōchina walking home.

"Otou-san! I'm home and I've brought meat!" Yōchina yelled as he opened the door.

"Alright, Alright! You ain't gotta yell! I'm right here!" Amakuni yelled back.

This is Yōchina's adoptive father: Fushigina Amakuni; A retired man who managed to avoid the draft right before WW1. He doesn't talk much about what he did before retirement, but Yōchina always assumed he was a soldier of some kind. He always kept a sword hanging above his bed in his room, and he told Yōchina to never touch it. His face looked to be in his early to mid-50s, but his body said otherwise. His skin was covered his muscles and scares; toughened out by whatever he did before. Yōchina would constantly challenge him to fights and would usually lose, but he got wins every now and again.

Sometime before his retirement, Amakuni found an abandoned Yōchina; starving, dirty, and unresponsive. Amakuni took the young boy in and fed him, clothed him, taught him how to survive off the fat of the land. Yōchina for whatever reason, says he doesn't remember what happened before Amakuni found him. The most important thing that Amakuni taught him was the art of camouflage.

Camouflage was just as important to a hunter as knowing how to use a sword or use a gun. Having patience, covering your scent, quieting your breathing, and adapting to the terrain; all optimal aspects needed to master the art of camouflage.

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