Taylor curses as she quickly grabs the burning bagel to throw out of the toaster oven, burning her fingers in the process. Taylor rushes to her sink to put her fingers under cold water. It doesn't hurt too bad, but Taylor is angry to find tears pricking her eyes. How had everything seemed so great just 24 hours ago?


"Hello, Meredith!" Taylor coos, as she reaches into the cat carrier Austin has set on the kitchen table. She pulls Meredith out and is able to hold her for a bit. Meredith would occasionally allow Taylor to hold her after spending time in the cat carrier or after some time apart from her owner. She cuddles her close and kisses the cat's furry head before hugging her brother once more.

"How's your summer going so far?" Taylor asks Austin. She hasn't seen him since Notre Dame has let out for break.

"Pretty uneventful, I've just been in Nashville," Austin replies. He scratches Meredith behind the ears as Taylor holds her. "How was the tour?"

Taylor shrugs her shoulders and replies, "It was fine."

"It was fine?" Austin asks, smiling at her strangely.

"What?" Taylor asks confused, setting down Meredith as she begins to squirm in her arms.

"Do you know how long I was on the phone with Mom on the way here? Talking about how happy you were?" Austin laughs. He goes on to imitate their mother, describing how happy Taylor was. Taylor laughs listening to Austin, who has become terrifyingly good at transforming his voice into Andrea's.

"I was happy, I mean I am happy!" Taylor insists. "I'm glad to be back here."

"Yeah, I bet, this place is incredible," Austin says, looking around as he takes off his hat and begins making himself at home. He slowly meanders throughout the large kitchen, stopping every now and again to study some of the photographs Taylor has hanging on her walls. "I feel incredibly under represented here," Austin says, finally breaking his silent examination of the room. Taylor laughs as he sits across from her folding his hands together, appearing very serious. They have the same dry sense of humor.

Taylor mimics his actions and sits up straighter, appearing very serious, shuffling random paperwork that is on her table. "How so?" 

"I believe there are four pictures of me, yet six pictures of that Karlie Kloss in this room alone. Not sure how I feel about that," Austin replies, leaning back and crossing his arms, keeping his facial features stern.

"I can see what I can do about correcting this," Taylor says drily. "You are obviously much more pleasant to look at."

With that, Austin cracks a quick smile, breaking the ruse they each played along with. "Fair enough."

Taylor laughs and says, "I can't believe you counted the pictures, you're so petty!" 

"Oh, yeah, it is petty of me to spend a little extra time on pictures of a Victoria's Secret model," Austin says sarcastically with a laugh.

Taylor's smile is quickly wiped clean off of her face. Her serious stare is no longer one accompanying their playful interaction, when she says, "Ew, Austin."

"Ew?!" Austin repeats in disbelief. "Would you look at her? That is the greatest thing that has ever come from your entire career, that friendship right there. I am so glad that I indirectly have a connection to someone like that."

It isn't often that the mature Austin allows his college guy side come out, but Taylor's eyes are like daggers staring at him. Austin is completely ignorant to the territory he has just trespassed upon. "She's my friend," Taylor warns, voice low.

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