Chapter one:

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-It was a normal day at Morphius' house when his brother suddenly came rushing in.

"Morph, I've finally got my Hogwarts letter! Now I can finally go with you to Hogwarts!" Draco had always wanted to be like his big brother. He did everything to be like him, if Morphius took his hand and fixed his hair that had become a little frizzy, Draco would also fix his hair.

"So good, do you know what I heard?"

"No?" Draco replied, looking up at his big brother.

"Well, I've heard Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts the same year you're coming." when Draco heard this, he looked up at Morphius with big round eyes.

"Do you really think so? I do not mean I do not believe you but what if they just say so to make everyone happy and so, it just feels weird that Harry Potter would come to Hogwarts."

"I know he will come." said Morphius with a proud smile. Draco looked at him questioningly but continued to ask one last question.

"How do you know that?"

"I looked in the window where Potter lives and saw how the whole house was filled with a lot of letters!" Morphius looked down at his now terrified little brother but a questioning face.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Have you been to the muggle world without Dad knowing?" Draco looked at him a little worried, what if Dad found out he was going to be furious. Then he came to a new question, and once again his eyes widened in horror.

"Have you looked at Potter, I mean it's really weird!" Morphius just took a deep breath and started explaining everything.

"So I went there because I wanted to see if that Potter would really get his letter, but when he got it, a fat man came and snatched it from him and turned completely red in the face. Then everything just went awry. "At least a hundred letters came in from all the open doors, windows and even the chimney! And as I looked around I saw thousands of owls flying away."

Draco looked like he was going to die of laughter.

"So that's why you had torn clothes when you got home yesterday?" Draco could barely breathe as much as he tried not to laugh.

"Uhhh .... Yes it was. But ass you would have seen how all the owls suddenly attacked me! I had nothing to defend myself with!" Just then, Draco could no longer hold on to laughter, he sank down with laughter and then he fell into a pile on the floor and continued to die.

"It's actually not fun!" said Morphius, glaring at his little brother.

After a while Draco was lying on the floor laughing so he was close to being suffocated by ordinary air, and Morphius, who was standing and looking sour, came to their mother: Narcissa Malfoy came in and looked at them like they were crazy.

"What are you doing?"

Draco stood up for a moment and stared at his mother.

"U-uh nothing, mother!" Narcissa looked at them and took a deep breath and said:

"Draco go and pack with you."

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