Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up, and got ready for the day. I didn't have a lot to wear, and I had a date with Luka later today, so something cute. I decided to wear a teal blue dress that went down to my ankles. I got it because it was Luka's favorite color. I looked at the time, it was already eleven. Luka would pick me up around twelve. I had about an hour before my date. My parents were already working, so I wouldn't disturb them. I went ahead and filled out the paperwork for the Selection. The paper was high quality; I'd never felt anything like it! Thick, and slightly textured. I filled in my name, age, which was 18, prince Adrien was 19; I was a few months younger than him, caste, and contact information. I put my height, weight, hair, eye, and skin color, too. I put that I could speak two languages, English and French. Most could speak at least two languages. (I'm doing French and English because they speak French in the show, and I speak English, so I thought that it'd make the most sense.) We had to list the highest grade level we'd completed since only Sixes and Sevens went to public schools, and had actual grade levels. Although, some twos, threes, and fours would do schooling in a group together. I was in a group with Luka, Juleka, Nino, and Alya. We were all in the same grade level, and almost completed twelfth grade. Under special skills I listed that I could cook, bake, draw, design, and sew. Once I was finished filling it out, I went to the kitchen where my parents were. «Well, look who's up! » mom exclaimed. «Mom, I've been up for a while. I've been filling out this Selection form, » I said handing her the paper, and checking the time which was almost twelve. Luka would be here any minute. « It looks good, » Mom replied looking over my form. «We can go to the Services Office, after my date with Luka, » I told her, and then heard a familiar voice say, «Marinette, I'm here! » Luka. I went out of the kitchen, and into the dining area where Luka was standing at the door. I ran up and hugged him. He was wearing a blue suit, with a blue blazer, with a darker blue tie, with blue pants. His entire outfit was blue. He looked so hot in it! «Hey beautiful.» «Hey Luka! » We got in his blue sports car. Only ones, twos, some threes, and very few fours had cars. He drove us to a fancy Italian restaurant that was a few miles away. After a few minutes we arrived. Couples went there all the time. They brought breadsticks and salad for an appetizer. It was really good! «So, um, I, uh, signed up for the Selection,» I told him nervously. «Yeah. Being a one probably isn't much different than being a two. Although, you'll be dating the prince, learning to rule the country, wearing heels and fancy dresses all the time. I'm sorry, Mari, but I really don't want you to get in. » «I know. I love you, Luka, but, I also admire the prince, and can't turn down an opportunity like this. » «I understand, Mari, you don't wanna be wondering «What if? » for the rest of your life. » «Thanks for being so understanding, » I said putting my hand on his shoulder. Our server walked up with our drinks, and asked what we wanted to eat. We ordered a spaghetti to share. He walked away and as soon as he did Luka said, «I love you, Mari, » « I love you too, Luka, » We started looking at each other, staring deep into each other's eyes. We got closer to each other, and then leaned in until our lips met in a deep, passionate kiss. We didn't pull away until we needed air. Then we leaned back in for another deep kiss, this time it was gentle. We were kissing for longer than we thought, because, suddenly our server was standing there with our spaghetti. We ate in silence. It was so good that we didn't stop eating until we were finished!We had a chocolate cake for dessert. It was delicious! A few minutes later our server walked up, we paid, and left. Luka drove me home. "I enjoyed it, » I said. "I did too," he replied. «This might be our last date before we find out The Selection results, » he said grimly. «Yeah, I know, » I replied sadly. We'd arrived at my house-bakery complex. I got out of the car, and looked back, smiled, and waved at him as he drove away. I walked into the kitchen, and got to work. The rest of the day was a blur until we had a break. Mom, and I walked to the Services Office. I'd changed out of the dress I'd been wearing earlier today, into a chef's uniform. Now I was wearing a light pink dress that went almost all the way down to my knees. There were a few people ahead of us, and a few behind. I bet that a lot of people had already gotten their forms in earlier today. People who didn't have to work or already had plans all day. Juleka, and her mom, Anarka were standing in line in front of us. I tapped Juleka's shoulder. She had long black hair the tips dyed purple, she was wearing a cute ruffly black dress that went a little over her knees with black leggings that had silver gems on them. She was beautiful! «Hey Marinette,» «Hey Juleka! » «So how was your date with Luka? » She asked curiously. «It was great! » I said too excitedly, and started blushing. «That good, huh! Then why are you signing up for the Selection? I mean you already have a boyfriend who's clearly in love with you, and you seem to like him! » «Yeah, I do love him, but, I've also been admiring Prince Adrien for my entire life! I can't turn down a chance like this! If I don't I'll be wondering what would've happened for my entire life! » «I understand that, » she replied, «I'm double this to see if I have any chance at all with the prince, and if I don't make it in, well then I'll find a boyfriend. Plenty of guys have asked me out, but I've said no to all of them because I'm not ready yet, » she replied. We were at the front of the line, and now it was Juleka's turn. She put her form in the basket, and sat down for her picture. It was common information that when you went to turn your form in, they'd also take your picture. Once I'd taken my picture, I went home, ate dinner, helped clean up the restaurant and do other chores, and went to bed. I fell asleep, and dreamed about Luka. What an amazing date!

 What an amazing date!

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This is Luka's outfit. Art not by me. Just found it on the internet.

1,144 words not including AN!
I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter! Some Lukanette for those of you who like it! Who do you think will get into the Selection? Do you think Marinette will? Have a great weekend! I'll have the next chapter out ASAP!

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