The First Encounter

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Albedo had a strange dream last night. What he wasn't expecting was to find himself in some sort of strange world. There were devices that he's never seen, there was running water without a waterfall, fires without wood, and paintings that moved. He had to paint it as soon as he woke up.

He drew the room he dreamed, which looked like a living room. It had a big couch, a large moving painting on the wall, large windows that overlooked an amazing view, white walls and marble floors. But what he made sure to really focus on, was the women he painted.

She was beautiful in Albedo's eyes. She had short/long (h/c) hair with soft (e/c) eyes. In the painting, she was sitting on her couch with a book in hand. She was wearing a white blouse with black leggings, such strange clothing to him, but she made it look really good.

Albedo made especially sure he got every detail he could add. The details with her hair had more details than any painting of a Hilichurl, the texture of the couch looked too real, and the view of outside the windows looked like you could see them in real life.

(Y/n) had a weird dream last night. She dreamed of a laboratory with the entrance leading out into the snow. There were strange paintings of different creatures she's never seen, with weird glass bottles of weird glowing powders and liquids.

She went into her art room and started painting what she saw in her dream on her large white wall. She painted the cave like walls that gave a dark yet comforting feeling. She gave a glow to all the bottles that held something inside, while she painted what looked like some sort of strange table. She put details in the books and covers of everything she could.

But there was thing that (Y/n) paid especially close to would have to be the person standing in front of the strange table. He had light blonde hair with teal eyes, gorgeous teal eyes. His clothing was quite unique, but (Y/n) thought it was nice.

It took her 2 days to finish her work before she got down from her ladder. She painted the man as tall as she had dreamed him to be, which was a little taller than her (sorry for all my tall friends). Gently reaching her hand out, (Y/n) touched the cheek of the person, but all she could feel was a cold wall with paint on top of it.

Letting out a sigh, (Y/n) started to clean all her paint off of her brushes and her pallets.

Albedo felt something soft touch his cheek. He placed his gloved hand over his cheek, trying to see if it was all an illusion. He only felt the material of his gloves.

"Mr. Albedo? Is something wrong?" Sucrose asked her superior.

"It's nothing," Albedo said, removing his hand from his cheek. "I just through I felt a bug land on my cheek."

"It's ok," Sucrose smiled. "Anyways, I've been trying to solve this problem, but I can't seem to solve it. Do you think you can try?"

"I can give it a try." Albedo started reading over the things Sucrose had written down.

Albedo walked over to his canvas, looking at the women reading her book. Gently, he touched her cheek.

(Y/n) felt something touch her cheek, and she brought her hand to her face. She gave her cheek a small smack, seeing if it was a bug, but it was nothing. She looked up from her sketchbook to look at the painting on the wall. She got up from her seated position on the floor, and walked over to the man. Gently touching his hair, she felt something different. It felt

Albedo felt his hair being played with. "What is this I'm feeling?"

(Y/n) heard a males voice, and she turned around her room to see if there was someone in her house, or if she accidentally forgot to hang up when she was calling her parents. "Hello?"

Albedo looked around the cave, not seeing anyone. He looked back at the painting, wondering if whoever that was, was someone in his head. "Hello there."

"Well that's interesting," (Y/n) commented. "I'm hearing voices."

"So am I." Albedo said, keeping his hand on the painting. "What is your name?"

"You first," (Y/n) said, keeping her hand on the paintings hair. "What is your name?"

"My name is Albedo, I am the chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius," Albedo gave his title. "Now what is your name?"

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n)," (Y/n) said. "I'm the owner of an art studio and an art teacher for a university."

"That is very interesting," Albedo said. "May I ask about your appearance?"

"My appearance?" (Y/n) asked. "Alright, as long as I get to ask about your appearance as well."

"I do not mind. Now then, do you by any chance have dark/light skin?" Albedo asked, going off the painting in front of him.

"I have dark/light skin," (Y/n) confirmed. "Do you have teal eyes?"

"I do indeed." Albedo confirmed as well.

The two continued to ask questions about each others appearance, and even asked about the places in their paintings. (Y/n) confirmed the painting Albedo painted was (Y/n)'s living room while (Y/n)'s was indeed a cave.

"So may I ask, did you have a dream, and then painted me?" (Y/n) asked, wondering if Albedo got inspiration for his painting of her from a dream.

"Indeed I did," Albedo confirmed. "I am going to guess that your painting of me has been because of the same reason as I?"

"Indeed," (Y/n) nodded. "I had dreamed of your cave, and for some reason you as well. I wonder why our dreams had us dream of each other."

"I wonder that myself," Albedo was sitting down on the cave floor now, his hand still touching the painting that was leaning on the crafting table in front of him. "I wonder if other worldly forces are causing this sudden connections of ours."

"I want to try something," (Y/n) said. "I would like to see if we can talk to one another if we were to take our hands off of our paintings."

"That would be an interesting experiment," Albedo was wondering what would happen if he takes his hand off of the painting as well. "Alright. You try first, I shall keep my hand on my painting."

"Alright." (Y/n) took her hand off her painting.

"(Y/n)? Can you hear me?" Albedo asked. There was no response. Albedo gently stroked the painting where (Y/n)'s hair was. He was wondering if she could feel that.

(Y/n) didn't hear anything, but she most certainly felt her hair being stroked. She was a little surprised. Gently touching the painting, (Y/n) decided to tell him her little discovery. "Albedo, I didn't hear anything if you talked to me, but I felt my hair being played with. Was that your doing?"

"Yes, that was me," Albedo confirmed. "So it seems if we are not touching the painting, we are unable to hear one another. But it seems if we touch the painting, we can feel each other."

"How interesting," (Y/n) said, tilting her head in curiosity. "I wonder if we paint a portrait of one another, we are able to communicate. Like a small painting of one another, would we be able to communicate?"

"That would be an interesting experiment as well," Albedo smiled a little. "I must be going now, my little sister wants to go back to the city and get something to eat."

"Alright, I hope to talk to you again," (Y/n) said. "I will see you later, Albedo."

"Goodbye," Albedo said. "(Y/n)."

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