play nice

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Before this starts the ex in this story is fictional
Fictional= not real

Y/n: do I really have to go?
Josh laughed whilst rolling his eyes, then breathed out before answering.
J: if you meant, do you really have to go to a premier for a movie you worked your ass off in, all because you don't want to see one of my exes, whom you filmed with the entire time and managed to tolerate throughout the process. Then yes, you do have to go.

You sighed before getting up and grabbing your clothing bag with your suit in it.
Y/n: fine but I don't have to like it.
J: never said you had to

You quickly changed into your suit, the color completely complimenting your complexion. You were kind of excited as you and Joshua had recently opened up about your relationship and you were bringing him to the premier, but you also didn't like his ex at all. She was just so irritating, and made your blood boil from the bits and pieces you were told about her. The only reason you hadn't snapped on her yet was because you were trying to remain professional.

You made your way out of the bathroom, your tie still yet to be tied.
J: do you want some help with that?
Y/n: if you want to?
You sounded pretty awkward, cause truth was you had no idea how to tie a tie.
J: you don't know how to tie it, huh?
You just nodded while looking away, as Josh walked over to you. He gently took your chin in his grasp moving your face to look at him.
J: just watch and learn.

You watched as his hands started on your tie, not stopping until it was done. You smiled at him gently kissing his cheek as a thank you.
J: you look really handsome by the way
You looked away immediately blushing.
J:I'm being serious
Josh laughed a little at your flustered state as you continued to look at anything but him.

Y/n: are we sure we have to go?
Josh nodded.
J: yeah you don't have a choice, your literally the lead in the movie
You groaned but gave in letting  your hair and makeup team into your hotel room.

Why you were being worked on by your team, Josh quickly got changed. When he came out of the bathroom your jaw dropped, he truly was stunning. You watched as he ruffled his hair a bit turning to you.
J: do I look alright
You just nodded unable to form coherent sentences, while trying to collect yourself. When you finally did you spoke up.
Y/n: you look stunning, absolutely gorgeous.
Josh's face went red, as a smiled played at his lips.

By the time hair and makeup was satisfied with how both of you looked, your car was here; ready to take you both to the premier.

Y/n: I don't know how much longer I can tolerate her
J: just play nice, that's all I'm asking.
You just nodded, pulling his hand into your lap and playing with the rings on his hand; something you often did when nervous. He gently planted a kiss upon your temple.
J: it's gonna be fine
You just leaned into him whispering.
Y/n: I hope so

By the time you got there you fixed your suit looking out the window freaking yourself out. The amount of people out their was crazy, you really didn't think you could do it. To be honest it was never really about his ex, you new you could handle seeing her but you couldn't handle going out there. Especially since you were supposed to be the first person to step out.

Y/n: I wasn't completely honest about my reason of n-n-not want- wanting to come
You never really stuttered or tripped over your words unless you were really nervous.
J: hey just breathe
You turned to Josh, tightly wrapping your arms around him trying to calm yourself down.
Y/n: I-I cant do it
J: baby it'll be fine
Y/n: no there are way too many people out there what if I do something completely stupid or I freeze. Or what if I lose you when we go to watch the movie.
Josh just looked down at you in his arms, lightly stroking your hair.
J: it's gonna be fine love, I'll be by your side the whole time. You're not going to lose me, I'll be glued to your side the whole time. If you need to you can squeeze my hand as tight as you need.
You nodded, as your team texted you telling you that they needed you out now. You pulled away from Josh slightly, looking at him and pressing your lips to his quickly.

You grabbed Josh's hand in yours as you opened the car door hearing people cheer and scream. All of it was a bit overwhelming, but having Josh close to you made it better.
J:you look handsome by the way
A smile played on your lips as you made your way down the red carpet getting ready to take pictures for the paparazzi. A new found confidence had started taking over, maybe Josh was your good luck charm.

You pulled Josh into your side as they started taking photos, Josh lightly poked your side causing a laugh to emit from you and Josh who found it adorable.

The rest of your cast soon joined you both with their dates. You took a few more photos of you all with your dates then your dates had to step out of the way, so they could get a few of the cast alone.

Y/n: yeah I don't know about that
J: it'll be fine
As soon as he let go of your hand the anxious feeling came back and he could tell. He took of one of his rings making direct eye contact with you, mouthing a couple "you better catch this"s and you did catch it when he threw it, then pretended he didn't throw it as not to get in trouble.

You gently slipped the ring on your finger which almost fit it was just slightly loose but not enough to slip off. It gave you enough confidence, to finish off the rest of the photos until you could get back to Josh.
P: who are you here with y/n?
Y/n: my boyfriend
You watched as some people just started figuring it out while others knew as it wasn't new information.

When you finally made it back to Josh you linked your arms continuing to walk down the carpet. Stopping to answer some questions.
P: y/n what's your sexuality
Y/n:I'm queer
P: aren't you afraid of how the public will view that
Y/n: nope 
You walked away with your boyfriend still at your side.

J: how're you feeling?
He looked over at you making sure you were alright.
Y/n: I feel great, and confident
Joshua smiled at you watching the smile that played on your lips as you continued to pose for photos and answer questions. Who would've thought the boy who was just freaking out about how many people there were is the same boy who's posing for paparazzi and answering questions without a doubt in his answer. He felt so proud of you.

Finally got you were done with paparazzi and questions and photos, you were going to see the movie.
J:I'm excited
You could tell he was by the way he couldn't contain his smile.
Y/n: you're adorable
You grabbed his hand making sure he stayed close as you lead the both of you to your seats.
J: when do I get my ring back
Y/n: check your hand
J:what! No way! How did you do that without me seeing?
Y/n: shush the movies starting
You pulled him into your side wrapping your arm around his shoulder ignoring everyone else beside you.

I think this was shit but it's also way too long to delete and restart.

- Myles

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