A Short Note

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I'm Duckie the creator of this book and I've got to say the amount of feedback I get for this book is pretty freaking incredilbe since it's been what four? Five years? Thank you guys so much for continuing to read it and yes there is another one on my page that I haven't updated in a year. I kinda lost my inspiration but I may as well pick it back up huh?

I have some things to say though

For all of those who don't like Rio: Well fuck you guys.

I wrote this book when I was thirteen god dammit and it's not unatural to be that fucking skinny, I can tell you because I have three friends just like it. Sure I was a chubby weird kid who dreamed about being thin and wanted my first character to be that way and yes, I emphasized it alot because once again:

I was thirteen.

However, for those of you who don't like her personality, that's understandable. She's pretty fucking irritating in my opinion, which why I dialed her way down in the second book and what not, and probably why her kids are pretty laid back as well.

But those comments still hurt my feelings a lot, and if you don't like her, don't read the book! Is that too much to ask?

However, for those of you who plan to stick with us here in this weird, crazy, strange adventure, I really want to thank you, because it's so fucking nice to know I did something in this world people can be proud of and it means a lot to me when you guys do the things you do, even if it's message me about stupid shit like pancakes.

So thanks.

I love you guys.

Edit: yes I know she's really skinny and maybe you guys don't know the same kind of people I did at that time, who did exhibit these behaviors, but I'd like to point out this is, in fact, a werewolf story, nothing about this is natural at all, so please, it makes me regret ever even posting this when I get messages and comments about how shitty it is or that you guys hate it or any of it, so just please lay off?

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