Chapter 1: Returning Home.

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Driving past rows and rows of trees in his car was a man named Thomas Williams, switching in and out of radio stations he eventually came across a news station that had filed up a report of a strange event.

"And today's headline local man in the town of Oakbrooke Haven named Joshua Stonebrook had been found in his home his body appeared to be it had been horribly mauled and devoured in his bathroom, people believe that it's an urban legend of a creature named the Cartoon Cat but however the towns mayor and local police believe it was some wild rabid woodland critter that had broke into his home and eaten him alive, but the thing that authorities have found odd about Joshua's death was that there was no sign of forced entry, we will keep you updated on this event when we investigated further, but the main question is could this be connected to the abandoned mall incident from back in 2003 where five teenagers we're found horribly killed?"

The news station had claimed as then they continued on the report.

"Stay tuned to find out for yourself as we update you even further"

Thomas shut off the radio and continued to drive and he could've sworn he found it strange on how his one friend Joshua Stonebrook was pronounced to be dead, could it there's no way in hell it could've been that thing could it?

He was coming back because he had to visit his old friends as they called him up about Joshua's death he remembered surely of them Sara Bennings, Eric Coldbrook, Tito Vanliktenstine, Andre Wickers, and his lover or former ex lover Samantha Logan.

Of course how could he forget his friends that would obviously have been a dick move for some people but he.....he was different compared to most people he kept driving until suddenly a deer had ran out into the road but he wasn't fast enough to stop the car to prevent from hitting the animal but sadly he hit the deer accidently killing it leaving it a mangled mess.

His car a broken wreckage Thomas had stepped on out the car and walked the rest of the way to the nearest diner on the outskirts of the town, the diner being called Pinewoods diner and he walked in and ordered a stack of pancakes and a side of eggs with sausage and hickory smoked bacon the food looked promising as it was delivered to him; he ate his food and asked the woman behind the counter if he could use the phone.

"I hate to bother but I crashed my car and I need to use the payphone to call a tow truck." Thomas had exclaimed as he asked.

"Sure no problem, go right ahead!" The woman behind the serving counter had exclaimed back as well and pointed to him towards the phone and Thomas had walked over pulled out four coins and inserted them into the slot next to the phone and pushed the buttons to form the number for the eventual tow truck.

He said thanks to the woman behind the counter and waved off and walked out the door and made his way back to his car and waited and waited as time has passed and soon he heard a strange noise it sounded like a voice calling to him sounding like his mother he stepped towards it but then hesitated and then just said "Yeeeeaah nope!" And retreated back to his car and locked the doors and waited for the tow truck some more, soon eventually after a long period of waiting the tow truck had eventually came and Thomas had eventually stepped out of his car to greet the driver of course it was one of his old friends.

Thomas recognized the man immediately "Tito?" Thomas had asked and was confirmed as his friend had spoken "Heeeyy amigo, how's it been heard you were coming back home because of...."

Thomas had finished Tito's sentence and said "......Joshua's death, yeah I'm pretty sure already know by now!"

"Yeah sénior it's......." Tito looked down mourning at the loss of there close friend and soon he continued saying.

"It's heartbreaking that he's gone, but life goes on, hell mama always said as one life ends another one begins." Tito had said.

"Yeah, it's quite sad." Thomas had responded on collarbone with Tito's sudden sorrow and depressed state.

"So you think you can....?" Thomas had suddenly changed the subject after a moment of silence and Tito had exclaimed "Oh right sorry sénior, it won't take long."

Thomas was told to go into the tow truck and wait as it was being towed.

As they both drove off Thomas could've sworn he saw a anthropomorphic cartoonish cat creature standing in the distance behind him only in silhouette as cartoonish white appearing from it's hands as he faintly heard a song from an old cartoon tv show from the 1930's as then a foggy mist had now formed until it was far from view as a tiny black speck.

RUN AWAY: CARTOON CATUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum