Adventures Friends

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One bright evening Emily and her friends Leo and Michael were playing in the park. It was vacation time so they went to the park every day. Emily was a bit bored so she went and sat on the swing. Michael went to her and asked 'Why are you sitting alone? Come, play with us'. Emily said 'This is so boring, why don't we have some adventure.' 'That's a great idea Emily' said Michael. 'Do you think it would be safe?' asked Leo. To this Emily said 'Oh, come on Leo don't be a scared cat'. And the three friends decided to make an adventure team. They named it "The little detectives".The next day Emily asked Leo if he had heard about the abandoned bungalow on the end of street 49' 'Yeah I've heard about it said Leo in a scared voice. 'Yes I have also heard that people say that ghosts live in that bungalow' said Michael.A few days passed by, one day Emily, Leo, and Michael were going to a shop forgetting some stuff. On their way back home they came across the old abandoned bungalow. Emily stopped was looking at it. 'I know what you're thinking about Emily, you want to have some adventure' said Michael. Emily laughed and said 'yes you are right I really want to check out what's in the bungalow'. Emily thought the bungalow could start an adventure for them, as it looked very creepy.So Emily, Leo, and Michael slowly opened the gates which made an annoying screeching sound. They looked around but found no one. Since it was afternoon there was no one on the street. They found the door was slightly open and they tip-toed into the room. They saw another large door inside the living room, Leo asked 'should we open the door'? Michael nodded and Emily said 'Why not it can start the first adventure for our adventure team'.The trap doorChapter 2Leo and Michael pushed hard on the door but it didn't budge. There was a small table next to the door Emily saw a letter on it 'Hey I found a letter on this table Emily told to the boys. She read 'To open the door you must find a key which is hidden in this room. Open the door and you will reach a room with 3 doors and you will find a rock inside. All three of them stared at each other. 'Why are we just staring at each other? Let's find the key and open the door said, Michael. So they all started looking for the key.Suddenly Emily saw a flash of gold fly inside the bungalow, it didn't look like a bird or an insect at all. She jumped and caught it. Emily called Leo and Michael to come and see what she had caught. It looked like a key.'Is this the key we read about' said Emily.They ran to the door and turned the key. They went inside and they came into a large room with three doors, there was a giant rock on the floor. Michael saw some writing on it and read.The secret world of animals chapter 3'One door leads to safety and the other two are trap doors.I'll give you one clue about each door. Many great people have reached this point but never went home. The first door has a forest with magical animals, the second door has a forest filled with poisonous snakes and the third door has a lake filled with crocodiles.Leo was a bit apprehensive. Let's go back. I think it is not safe to open any of the doors said, Leo. Emily brushed him off and said 'Don't be a scared kid. Let us enter the first door. Michael agreed. They convinced Leo. It leads to safety and it may have friendly animals.' 'You're right Emily'said Leo and Michael together.He pushed the door and it opened. They were stunned to see the colorful animals. Some of them even had wings. 'AmI hearing things or are these animals actually talking in English!' cried Michael. 'Silly they are talking in English'cried Emily. Then suddenly the troop of monkeys spotted the three kids and started screeching loudly. All the animals became alert and they were about to attack the children.The KingChapter 4Hey, we are your friends 'We don't mean to hurt you said, Emily. The animals looked at each other. The red rabbit said let's take them to the king. So Emily, Leo & Michel was taken to the palace which was made of precious stones.The kids were scared to see a huge lion sitting on a majestic throne. 'How did you all come to my magical forest?' asked the king.'Your royal highness this bungalow seemed to be abandoned so we wanted to see what was in here so we crept in. And no one has noticed us. The king listened carefully and thought for while 'You may go back, unless and until you don't tell any other humans about our magical forest ordered the king.The CriminalChapter 5The kids were happy as they were allowed to go home. When they were successfully out of the bungalow Emily said 'I think someone goes inside that bungalow every night and feeds the animals don't you think so?' 'You're right Emily'said Michael. So the next night again they went snooping around the bungalow. 'But if someone sees us then?' asked Leo. 'I had seen a small hut right outside the bungalow we can hide there.' Said Emily in a very confident manner. 'Let's give it a shot. So, they went and hid in the small hut and waited till midnight.To their astonishment, the biggest criminal in town crept into the bungalow at night. 'This is Rocky if I'm not wrong said Michael. 'I think we should follow him and tomorrow we can inform the police' said Emily. 'Sounds like a plan to me' said Leo.So, the 3 kids slowly tip-toed their way inside the bungalow, their way lit by the dim torch which Rocky carried in his hand. Emily saw the large door which lead to the magical forest but didn't say a word.Suddenly Michael coughed and that caught their attention of Ricky. The kids pined themselves to the wall so Rockywouldn't see. Rocky turned but didn't seem to see anything.They continued and reached a room. He opened the door and went inside.The police chapter 6The kids followed. Something gleamed in gold they went a little bit further and saw heaps of gold and diamonds. They were all open-mouthed. Suddenly Rocky turned and chased them. They ran out of the bungalow as fast as they could and Rocky couldn't catch them. The next day they went to the police station and told the police whatever they had seen. The police did not believe so they told the police there at the bungalow at midnight.When the police arrived they were also stunned to see that Rocky was really visiting the bungalow. The police hurried inside the bungalow and caught Rocky. The next day Emily, Leo, and Michel were called to the police station and were awarded the bravery award, their photos were all over the newspapers and T.V channels. Thus, "The Little Detectives" became famous in town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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