This is how it's gonna go...

37 1 3

So comment your anime character and the character you're playing, wait till I approve then you're in! The wait won't take long but the first 5 people who comment will have more acess to the background and the next chapters, don't worry if you don't know some of the characters because I'll just add an updated chapter about every single roleplayer-er? And take as long as you want as long as it doesn't take half a year! XD.


1) Please make this stay PG-13 because we don't want any reports or anything

2) You are welcome to change your profle or anything but its not required.

3)  No flames or arguements on the characters

4) Sorry, but there just can't be any doubles of anime characters so simply choose another character to roleplay.

5) You can join other roleplays but don't bring their business into this because it'll only attract flame wars


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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