more info !

15 2 2


15+ w please. i am 17 . the reason i mention this is for full transparency with those who want to roleplay with me :) i know what it's like to choose to not share age & im perfectly okay with it !

that's why i would PREFER to roleplay with people older than 15 ! i only say this because i want to write with people closer to my age without it being awkward/ uncomfortable bc of a large age gap (•̀•́)و ̑̑


heavy gore, crazy nsfw, or random sui////cide mentions or implications, etc, w/out talking abt it first.

charas i play

i can play anyone, but i cant promise it'll be good ! i have most experience w karasuno, nekoma, & fukarodani. i'm willing to try others !!

ships i<3!

gxg, bxb, gxb, etc. not limited to

chara ships?

honestly, i'm not picky. i'm fine
with almost any. pls no oikawa
× kageyama or any kind of in///cest

oc × chara?

i prefer cc x cc, but i have a section for oc x cc i will be more than willing to try it out :D as long as the required things are there !

sentence requirement?

please just more than one sentence. i am on my knees please. one liners make me
want to cry.

time zone

pst ,, (est -3 !)

response time?

give me a day or so & ill give you a day or so! if you're busy just Imk! communication is key & i won't hold it against you <3

ooc talk?

just use some form of brackets or smth, i
usually do ((


i prefer 3rd person however we can talk
more abt it in dms if needed :)

group or 1x1?

id prefer 1x1 . groups can get confusing
& i have a hard time keeping up !

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