"aren't these too short for him nana?" the taller male asked, expanding the shorts to see them clearly.

"oh come on, renjun is not that tall, i'm sure its alright for him, now check the hoodie!" the pinkette grabbed the hoodie and handed them to jeno.

"and aren't these too big for him?" jeno eyed the hoodie, clicking his tongue. "renjun's not that small either, I'm sure the size us right for him. Now come on! I'm excited for their reactions"

jaemin got out of the car, carrying 2 big white plastic bag, not forgetting the pink one so thats 3 plastic bags.

he motioned jeno to get out too, the ceo raised a waiting sign to the younger and grabbed the remaining plastic bags in the car.

"I hope he'll like these"

"Oh i'm sure he'll love it!"


Meanwhile in the hospital room, jisung along with mark and donghyuck were there. The youngest isn't supposed to be there since renjun don't have works on the weekends unless its urgent but jisung went on the hospital anyway.

You can't blame jisung though, we really can't stop young love.

As with donghyuck and mark, the couple decided to visit both of the chinese for well fun and chit-chat. mark, renjun and jisung getting to know each other more,

and donghyuck and chenle cuddling on the younger chinese's bed, making jisung and mark, glare at the two, and renjun smirking at the four of them.

"ah, i feel so single" renjun wiped an invisible tear off his cheek and and started to fake cry.

"how about those two hot ceos you have, hyung?" jisung teased, raising both of his brows up and down.

"hell no, I'm not dating an engaged couple" renjun faked gagged but we all know that the chinese boy wanted to date both of his hot ceos, Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno.

"wanna bet on that jisung?" mark butted in their conversation and winked.

"gladly, how much?" jisung fought back, preparing his wallet.

"5000 won-" "Stop, No one is betting on anyone" renjun stopped mark on completing his sentence by placing one of his small hands on both of the taller's chests.

"oh come on, it'll be fun-" a knock, a knock cut of the oldest male this time "what is up with people cutting me off" an annoyed mark, stomped his way to donghyuck who was now standing up, startling the short tanned male with a back hug, making chenle squeel loudly.

renjun rolled his eyes at the three and was about to go and open the door but jisung made his way first "i'll get it hyung!" jisung yelled.

the chinese boy chuckled and laughed at the youngest and, went to the small kitchen beside chenle's hospital bed to grab himself a glass of water.

In the meantime, jisung opened the gray, white door and was stunned to see his cousin and his soon to be cousin-in-law standing infront of it, having loads of bags in their hands and huge smiles on their faces.

"hi, ji" jaemin greeted while jeno just nodded at jisung.

"oh hello hyungs, do you want me to help you?" jisung asked a bit hesitant "oh yes please!" jaemin smiled handing a white plastice bag to jisung

"its no problem, jaemin hyung. Come inside" jisung opened the door wider with one hand, letting the couple in and shutting it after.

The thee of them placed the bags on the couch and jisung yelled "HYUNGS! JENO HYUNG AND JAEMIN HYUNG ARE HERE"

and that ladies and gentlemen, made renjun choke, made the married couple gasp, and chenle smiled yelling a 'yay'

renjun spat out his drink and yelled "WHAT?!"

he turned around regretting it after because there, two godly looking men are looking at him with small smiles on their faces.

"uhm... h-hello s-sirs?"



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